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Macbeth at Daugavpils Theater: A Relevant and Impactful Production

“In my opinion, our civilization, the whole world, is currently experiencing one of the most difficult episodes. In difficult times, the theater both serves as a source of light and, at the same time, wants to be a drug that can disconnect a person from reality. In order not to have one or the other extreme, the theater must be relevant and speak precisely about the problems with which we are forced to live and fight here and now”, about why the Daugavpils theater chose to stage Macbethsays the director Oleg Shaposhnikov and adds that it is Macbeth that most corresponds to the current negative situation in the world.

Macbeth is one of William Shakespeare’s harshest plays. It is a message about how a person who gets power turns into a tyrant, how the power obtained through violence and the desperate efforts to keep it that way also drives one into the captivity of paranoia, guilt, fear and insanity. Macbeth believes the prophecy of the three witches that he will one day become king of Scotland. Lust for power gradually darkens his and his wife’s mind, and when the first dagger is covered with blood, there is no turning back – each subsequent step moves Macbeth closer and closer to his own destruction.

The production on the stage of the Daugavpils theater features young actors who graduated from the Stanislav Brokas Daugavpils Music High School acting course this summer. “It is symbolic, because our future depends on the choices of young people. As a director and educator, I want to use my opportunity by playing a difficult show to orient young people to the future, to light,” says the director.

The actors had a unique opportunity to delve into Shakespeare’s work and learn the lines of this classic in their original language with the help of British actor, teacher and researcher of Shakespeare’s works, Paul Goodwin. The English language will dominate the show! Why? “Language, strange as it may be, does not play a decisive role in this play, although it is a dramatic theater performance in which both language and text are important. The production will not be quite a classical theater performance. It is saturated with music that creates the atmosphere, speaks actors’ plasticity. Body language accurately describes what happens to a person. All this makes the meaning of the text less,” explains Oleg Shaposhnikov and adds that Shakespeare’s language (not just English) is special. “It’s the music of a language that, if you don’t understand the content or know it roughly, creates a special atmosphere. It can’t be explained! It’s not made up by me, because everyone says Shakespeare’s language is delightful. Coupled with the actor’s body language and explanatory texts that will be on the screen, even a viewer who does not know a word of English will have no problem following the message.”

Makbeta premiere at the Daugavpils theater on November 22, the next performance on November 24.

2023-11-22 14:15:41
#Movement #sound #language #Shakespeare #Macbeth #Daugavpils #classic #framework #classical #theater

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