During the round ‘The collective memory’ it was about Wopke Hoekstra. The candidates were shown the video in which Hoekstra skated through an empty Thialf with Sven Kramer last year. The CDA politician was criticized for this, because the stadium was actually closed to the public because of the corona virus.
Although Hoekstra went public after that, it turns out that that was not good enough for Maarten. He is rock hard: “He is not a politician. He has the incredible talent of doing the wrong thing at the wrong time and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. And not a great friend of Omtzigt, who passes for the Lord Jesus today. So then you are also wrong, he is completely unfit for the political handiwork.”
Prior to the season, RTL Boulevard spoke with candidates from De Slimste Mens, who all had one thing in common: they were nervous beforehand. You can see it in the video below.