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M5S, the wrath of the rebels (and not only). Thirty senators: let’s evaluate the no- Corriere.it

I Five stars they stagger fearfully. The shadow of the split becomes more concrete after the announcement of the list of ministers of the Draghi government. The senators protest and ask for an emergency meeting a Vito Crimi (who tows it in the first place) to assess Draghi’s confidence. The government team smashes the M5S. The movement confirms Luigi Di Maio and Federico D’Incà to Foreign Affairs and Relations with Parliament, still sees in the executive the presence of Fabiana Dadone (who goes to Youth Policies) and Stefano Patuanelli (Agriculture) and the technician Roberto Cingolani snatches the Ministry of Ecological Transition (there is who considers Enrico Giovannini, now in Transport and former minister with Letta).

In chat flows the poison. There are those who put trust in the balance: “Are everyone convinced they are voting for this government?”. Who chews bitter: “We have been asphalted.” “The Lega and Forza Italia will soon count more than us”. “They treated us like Greece.” And in fact there are two feelings that run through the M5S troop: first of all “a sense of humiliation”, as a big name comments, and then the disappointment for some confirmations. Primarily those of D’Incà (who is considered close to Roberto Fico) and Patuanelli (who represents the Contiani). “They are two more boxes for the Democratic Party”, some comment sarcastically. “Vomiting situation”, there are those who let off steam. “We no longer have important ministries, but only a facade,” says those who insist. “We had low expectations, but so we’re burying ourselves.” The southern wing complains about the lack of representation (3 out of 4 ministers are from the North). In the evening the protest mounts. Several dozen senators, it is said about thirty, are on a war footing.

The inevitable Crimi ends up in the viewfinder (which applauds the government: “The Movement will guarantee its support to the executive with loyalty and fairness”), but also Beppe Grillo for the negotiations. Just the guarantor – reveals theAdnkronos – called the big names to celebrate the launch of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. The name of Cingolani (who founded the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa in 2005), Grillo recalled, was made by him to the prime minister in charge.

But while the guarantor celebrates, the rebels rise up. Barbara Lezzi attacks: «The super ministry asked by Beppe Grillo is not there. The Ministry of the Environment will not be merged with the Ministry of Economic Development ”. And he says: “We didn’t vote for this on the Rousseau platform.” Senators Nicola Morra and Elio Lannutti also move along the same lines. The Salento senator could present a formal request to contest the online vote, precisely because what Draghi did is different from what is written in the question. A move to be able to vote no to trust in the executive without running the risk of expulsion.

Critics reflect on what to do. There are 2-3 senators and 8-10 deputies ready to go to the opposition, but in reality the frond is wider. And it will compare. An online meeting is scheduled for the weekend which will see the participation of 11 senators and 25 deputies. Object of the summit: the no to Draghi in the Chamber and the possible consequences. In short, the split becomes more than a shadow. Max Bugani with “Someone was 5 Stars” makes a verse to Giorgio Gaber to comment on the bitter moment.

Those who have just left, that is Alessandro Di Battista comments the team with a laconic: “Was it worth it?”. First pickaxe to his former colleagues. Di Battista, the well-informed say, is “quiet”. In recent days, the former deputy allegedly had – rumors among the Five Stars spread – a tough confrontation with Grillo for the different positions of the two regarding support for Draghi. After the video of the tear from the Movement – the same sources tell – between the guarantor and the one who was branded as his heir in the Movement there would have been no contacts. The former deputy – intercepted by reporters – instead declares to appreciate the statements to Courier service by Davide Casaleggio towards him and talks about the phone call with Di Maio: «I heard Luigi, relations are serene. In the event that the Draghi government should do good things, I will support them ». Then he comments on the outcome of the consultation on Rousseau: «The 30,000 who voted no? They are not my heritage, but reasoning members who have made their choices. I am one of them, I am not the boss of anyone ».

Meanwhile, the partner of the platform, Enrica Sabatini, foreshadows a political future with the former deputy: “Whoever has the same mission will find a way to walk together.” The future, in short, is an unknown with various options.

February 12, 2021 (change February 12, 2021 | 23:59)


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