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M5S, draft of the senators on the resolution: “Enough sending new weapons to Ukraine”. But Castellone: ​​”It is not a majority text”

In view of next Tuesday’s Senate vote on a possible stop to arms to be sent to Ukraine, the 5 Star Movement is taking place behind the scenes a clash between the majority linked to the former premier Giuseppe Conte and the minority that refers to the Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. With attached accusations and against accusations on the drafting of a draft resolution that should represent the line of the Movement. “It puts Italy’s security at risk,” says Di Maio. And the Deputy Minister Grillina to the Economy Laura Castelli he warns: “I would not vote on the document”. The Russian ambassador in Rome, on the other hand, welcomes the initiative of the 5S Sergey Razov: “” Not everyone in Italy agrees with sending weapons to Kiev “.

In these hours, a draft resolution is being made in which it speaks of “not proceeding, given the current war situation, to further shipments of armaments”. But whose is it? Who drafted this document? The first hypothesis is that it represents exactly the point where Conte has been asking for weeks, namely the suspension of supplies. The second hypothesis is that it is an indiscretion, a sort of “poisoned meatball” created specifically to raise the tension within the government. So much so that theentourage di Conte denies any political consistency, because in reality a shared text is being worked on in coordination with the undersecretary of the Prime Minister, the pd Enzo Amendola. The objective of this document is to put pen to paper that any significant news on the Ukrainian affair – such as the shipment of other armaments – passes through Parliament.

The text of the draft

“The conflict in Ukraine has been going on for over 100 days and is taking on more and more the characteristics of a war of attrition marked by the failure to respect international humanitarian law; the Ukrainian people are strenuously defending the territorial integrity of their country and are fighting for the right to self-determination; since the outbreak of the conflict the European Union has sent military supplies to Ukraine for at least 2 billion euros; the United States and the United Kingdom have sent weapons to Kiev for 4.6 billion and one billion dollars respectively and they have already decided on further and even more substantial supplies (including long-range weapons) “. So we read in the draft in question, in view of the arrival in the classroom of Mario Draghi.

“Italy, on the basis of the provisions of art. 2-bis of the law decree no. 14 of February 25, 2022, converted with amendments by law no. 28 of April 5, 2022 containing ‘Urgent provisions on the crisis in Ukraine’, has already issued 3 ministerial decrees (Decree 2 March 2022, Decree 22 April 2022 and Decree 10 May 2022) which provided for the sending of military means, materials and equipment; the support provided in recent months by the European Union to Ukraine from a point of economic and financial point of view, in the reception of refugees and as well as in the support of the Ukrainian defense capacity, must be accompanied by a strengthening of diplomatic action given the urgency that the continuation of the conflict imposes “, reads the draft.

Di Maio: “Resolution jeopardizes national security”

Minister Luigi Di Maio is opposed to the 5S line in the Senate. “I have read that in this hour there is a part of the Movement that has proposed a draft of resolution which misaligns us from the alliance between NATO and the EU – says the head of the Farnesina da Gaeta – NATO is a defensive alliance, if we get out of alignment we endanger Italy’s security “.

Castelli: “I would not vote on the 5S document”

The Deputy Grillina Minister of the Economy Laura Castelli is also controversial. “The position of my 5S colleagues against sending arms to Ukraine will not be able to see all the majority agree on a position. I hope that this is not the way, because the situation is really very important and on the wire. I certainly wouldn’t vote for one resolutionif presented by my group, which goes beyond the historical setting of Italy “.

The Russian ambassador to Italy: “Not everyone agrees with sending weapons to Kiev”

The Russian ambassador to Italy Serge Razov also spoke on the resolution. “The logic according to which the massive supply of arms to Ukraine would be a means of achieving peace seems to me at least bizarre – ice – In essence, it is a question of endlessly feeding the situation of conflict and multiplying victims and destruction. This logic, as I understand it, it is far from being shared by everyone, even in Italy “. And then, in an interview with International scenarios he adds: “The fact is that Italian weapons will be used to kill Russian soldiers. This introduces another negative element into our bilateral relations that we cannot ignore”.

The replica of Castellone

“We are working on a majority resolution, meetings are underway between group leaders, presidents of the EU Political Committees of the Chamber and Senate with Undersecretary Amendola on the majority resolution. The point Ukraine will be inserted on Monday”. This was specified by the M5S group leader in the Senate Mariolina Castellone, on the subject of the draft resolution, circulated in the last few hours, in which the government undertakes not to proceed with further shipments of arms to Ukraine. “Perhaps it is one of the many documents circulated in recent days that could have been starting points, but that is not the resolution we are working on”, remarks Castellone.

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