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M Pokora gives his opinion on Marvel films on Instagram!

M Pokora is getting a little Marvel cure! The opportunity for the singer to give his opinion on the Comics … and to decide in the heart!

In the midst of comic book fans, two camps oppose each othert so often. On the one hand, Marvel fans. On the other hand, DC Comics fans… Even M Pokora has chosen his side!

The singer decides to do a little film cure after Christmas Eve. He therefore arises in front of his big screen and watches Wonder Woman. So we cannot imagine which firm he leans towards …

But M Pokora goes further! He indeed gives a very clear opinion to his fans. On the one hand, the DC Comics worn by Batman and Superman… And so, on the other, the Marvel worn by the Hulk or Iron Man.

We could also have mentioned many other heroes from the two franchises… But most of it is not there. Car the singer chose to watch a DC Comics, and regrets his choice a little. He even humiliates DC a little …

He publishes a story on his Insta account. M Pokora commits and therefore leans for Marvel… But he goes even further, and considers that anyone should prefer this franchise “over 16!” “

M Pokora gives his opinion on Marvel films on Instagram!

M Pokora gives his opinion on the Marvel-DC Comics battle

While DC have regained their nobility thanks to the last Joker, and to the interpretation of Joachim Phoenix, it does not go back to their rating in the eyes of the singers …

He therefore considers that « Marvel far surpasses DC Comics« , if we understand the signs he publishes … M Pokora has therefore made his choice. He will therefore not take the defense of Superman and Batman!

While Robert Pattinson is about to play the batman, maybe he will be able to change the singer’s mind? In any case, between the Avengers, Black Panther and Captain America, Marvel is ahead …

M Pokora therefore seems definitive: you have to be 16 years old to prefer DC Comics… Fans of the franchise (and the franchise itself) will appreciate the compliment!