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Lyubena Pavlova and Dilyan Deyanov Charged in “Eight Dwarfs” Case

Lyubena Pavlova, Petyo Petrov’s ex-wife, as well as the prosecutor Dilyan Deyanov have been charged for the “Eight Dwarfs” case, the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office announced. The accuser is held accountable for having returned gold coins seized as physical evidence in February 2020, not to their owner, but to another person who had no right to receive them. Together with them, Petrov is accused. Both he and Lyubena are accused of material concealment of the coins.

Here is the entire announcement from the prosecutor’s office:

On 11.08.2023, the supervising prosecutor from the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office (SGP) in one of the cases, which refers to the “8 Dwarfs” case, brought three persons as defendants.

A prosecutor with the initials D.D. has been brought in as a defendant for the fact that on 18.02.2020, in his capacity as an official holding a responsible position – a prosecutor in the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office, he violated his official duties, as by a decree of 18.02.2020 returned seized physical evidence, representing gold coins, to a person who did not appear to be entitled under the law. The magistrate is brought as a defendant for a general official crime under Art. 282, para. 2 in connection with para. 1 of the Criminal Code, which is punishable by imprisonment from one to eight years and deprivation of the right to hold a certain position.

In the same pre-trial proceedings, a male person with the initials P.P., a former magistrate (investigator), and a female person with the initials L.P. were brought as defendants, for the fact that on 23.03.2020 in city ​​of Sofia, in complicity and with the aim of obtaining property benefits for themselves, hid other people’s movable property, gold coins, which they knew were acquired by another through a crime under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code. The two have been brought as defendants for a crime under Art. 215, para. 1 of the Criminal Code, which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of one to six years.

The accused with initials P.P. is wanted at the addresses known in the country. It was not found, for this reason an investigator from the SO-SGP ordered the authorities of the SDVR to announce P.P. for a nationwide search. A measure of procedural coercion was ordered against the accused – detention for up to 72 hours. Under current legislation, the supervising prosecutor has taken action to issue a European Arrest Warrant for his international search.

At the same time, in another pre-trial proceeding, which was seized by the Sofia District Prosecutor’s Office (SRP), a person with the initials P.P. was brought as a defendant for coercion – a crime under Art. 143 of the Criminal Code. The supervising prosecutor from the SGP in the case, which was taken over by the SRP, came to the conclusion that a decree was drawn up to attract as an accused in the absence of any evidence of a crime committed, without even an interrogation of a victim of the compulsion. In connection with this, the decree to attract as an accused was canceled as an illegal act.

2023-08-15 13:46:00

#Lyubena #Pavlova #prosecutor #Dilyan #Deyanov #accused #Dwarfs #case

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