Home » today » News » Lyuben Dilov-son of Slavi Trifonov: I abandoned him because he put me in front of the choice The Show of Slavi or St. George’s Day

Lyuben Dilov-son of Slavi Trifonov: I abandoned him because he put me in front of the choice The Show of Slavi or St. George’s Day

GERB-UDF MP Lyuben Dilov-son responded to ITN leader Slavi Trifonov, who earlier today posted a post about him on his Facebook profile.

Here is what Lyuben Dilov-son wrote:

I can’t help but share this post for several reasons:

– For the first time since 2003, when we broke up, Slavi mentions my name personally. His insult that I abandoned our common endeavor then was great and somewhat understandable. He healed this particular trauma by turning me into the One whose name should not be mentioned. I abandoned him because He put me in front of the Choice of Fame or St. George’s Day. Probably my choice was difficult to understand. To abandon fame and money in the name of a rather rough political destiny really seems crazy …

– Hence the second reason to share the post: I have never been a member of any other political organization, except the St. George’s Day Movement. On which both Slavi and Toshko are founders. The anthem of the Movement was written by the wonderful Ivaylo Valchev … Over the years, due to various circumstances, the St. George’s Day Movement, as a small and resilient political club (never set itself the goal of becoming a big party) participated in various coalitions. Some successful ones – “Grandpa, Grandma and Grandson” with Ms. Moser’s Democrats and Farmers, for example.

Others – let’s say – rather comical. Together with VMRO (coalition HOW!) We took over 160 thousand votes against the over-mobilized Ivan Kostov and the debut of Simeon II in 2001. We had bright moments, we have falls for more than 25 years. Most importantly, we will continue to have them. For the last three years, we have signed an agreement only with the UDF. We have always looked for allies on the right and conservative spectrum. We also supported the UDF in the European elections, we support them now, as in the past, because – despite everything – we believe that this is a better story for Bulgaria. We do not have an agreement with GERB, but we joined the coalition when they needed us, not us, to take advantage of the government. Ie we are again in opposition – the usual state of aggregation on St. George’s Day.

– The irony of the story is invincible. Now Slavi is turning his show and television into a party. Ie he was faced with the same choice as I was in 2003, but by myself. And since it is still not very clear what he will finally choose, I wish him courage. I know it’s not easy.

– Stupid people discuss other people, smart people discuss ideas. I told her that from the rostrum in the parliament. The idea of ​​such a chairman of the committee is incompatible with my ideas. I have not discussed Toshko Yordanov and I have nothing against Toshko Yordanov – in the end, all the states of the people should be presented in the National Assembly. Moreover, it was I who chose him as the screenwriter of Ku-ku in a competition, along with Rosen Petrov and Nikolai Rusakiev.

– Whether you can call a person “respected” or not, largely depends on him. The presence and appearances in the 45th and 46th National Assemblies of the new chairman of the Committee on Culture presupposed this decision. I passionately defended Slavi Binev when he was nominated for the same post, because in my eyes he is RESPECTED in capital letters. And he would be very useful as chairman of the Committee on Culture and Media, because he is a great manager and understands what he had to do. And it continues to be so, despite the protests of my friends from the art guilds at the time. Today the guilds are silent. Apparently they have no problem now. As a non-member of the commission, I do not.

– I join the congratulations and wishes of Glory for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The fate of the God-man, whose birth we will celebrate only hours later, comes to tell us that God has endowed us with the greatest test: choice. But God does not subject us to trials that we cannot cope with! He has even given himself the right to choose, and it is this choice that is the Great Symbol that much of humanity celebrates on the night of December 24th. May this night be bright for you, after which the day is constantly growing. May your coming days be bright, healthy and happy!

– .

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