It’s been a lot of fun in the Polyana lately. Liza Polygalova is pregnant by Barzikov, but wants to return Ilya Bazhenov, who ran away in tears and was afraid of responsibility. Sergey Khoroshev participates in women’s fights and is preparing to raise his son Nika Troshchenkova. Sasha Cherno will try to get pregnant in the next two months, but Iosif is against it. Kristina Bukhynbalte wants to get pregnant from Barzikov so that he does not go to Polygalova, and Victoria Lyskovets strokes Lisa’s growing belly and dreams of her own children.
Tigran Salibekov, watching how Vika communicates with the pregnant Polygalova, wanted to become a father again, caught fire to build a new family at House 2. Lyskovets agrees to give birth to a child to Tigran Salibekov, but with the condition that not earlier than after 5 years.
Naturally, Tigran persuades Vika to reduce these terms, but Lyskovets now has a new bust as a priority, which we talked about at the sloka.
Do you think Vika will increase her breasts and leave Tigran, or will she agree to give birth first, and then do plastic surgery?