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Lyon and the region most affected in November, but less than the others in January? (graphic)

A resuscitation service in the civil hospices of Lyon © Lionel de Sousa

Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Grenoble and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region were the most affected during the second wave in November. With the most cases, the most hospitalized patients and a big pressure in intensive care. At the beginning of January, the region is less affected than the Grand-Est, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté or even Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur. For the time being. Decryption.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes took the full brunt of the 2nd wave in November. The number of cases soared in the region, particularly in the Loire, the Rhône and the Isère, and the region’s hospitals were on the verge of saturation. Numerous transfers of patients to other less affected regions have been made. Simply to treat everyone … AURA was the most affected region. And by far.

The incidence rate soared to around 1000 in the most affected departments, Loire, Rhône and Isère. The incidence rate is a key indicator. It determines the number of positive people during the last 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants. It clearly measures the degree of circulation of the virus at time t over a territory.

Three other regions most affected now

Currently, according to the latest consolidated data dating from January 2, the incidence rate stands at 171 in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. A fairly stable rate for several days, even weeks. But what changes from November is that the virus is circulating more elsewhere. In Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (244), Paca (229) or in the Grand-Est (228). On the other hand, the virus circulates much less in the Paris region and especially in the west: Ile-de-France (133), Pays-de-la-Loire (96) Nouvelle-Aquitaine (92), Brittany (58).

This graph shows the evolution of the incidence rate in the region:

Source: Public health France

But be careful. Great caution. For the moment, on these data stabilized on January 2, the “effects” of the end-of-year celebrations are not yet visible. They could be in the numbers in the next few days. All specialists expect a comeback. But what kind of comeback? A gentle slope? An outbreak? That’s the whole question …

The “calm” before the storm in hospitals?

For now … the situation is also fairly stable in hospitals in the region. It hasn’t been going down for several days, but it’s not really increasing either. About 4,200 patients are followed for covid-19 in hospitals in the region, including 400 in intensive care. There is still a lot, the tension is still (very) strong. By way of comparison, there were 7,200 “covid” patients hospitalized in mid-November, during the peak of the 2nd wave in the region … but “only” 3,000 at the peak of the 1st, at the beginning of April.

In hospitals too, it is very relative calm before, perhaps, the new dreaded storm …

Read also : Coronavirus in Lyon: fairly stable situation in hospitals in the region … for the moment

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