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Lynx, ‘spirit of the forest’, photographed in the Ardennes

The suspicion was there for some time, but now it is confirmed: the lynx is back in Belgium. With an unmanned wild camera is the rare feline recorded in the river valley in the Bulge.

“The exact location secret I love,” says photographer Martin Cuvelier. “In the interests of the lynx to no tourists, hunters and poachers to lure.” The photo of the very timid predator was taken on 27 August. Today announced Nature Landscape Association vzw the discovery known.

‘Beautiful color photographs

Nearly two centuries was spotted animal with fluffy ears disappeared from Belgian forests. Since the 90 were reported several sightings. Especially since February, the Eurasian lynx was often spotted in the area by people and even photographed. Only those photos were too vague to 100 percent clarity.

“But the new lynx photo of August 27, 2020 will all doubts,” says Loup Réseau hotline for large predators in Wallonia. “No blurry black and white photographs as we are accustomed to wild cameras, but a beautiful color photo of a lynx in a wild exchange in the woods.”

“The spirit of the forest ‘

Cuvelier could not believe it when he saw the photo on his small screen of the camera. He first thought it was a deer. “For a lynx is untraceable so that it is called the spirit of the forest.”

The predators are solitary in extensive nature. Their territory covers 100 to 1,000 square kilometers and are about the size of a sheepdog.


The largest feline in Europe over the years, also located in Germany. Lynx are also several times seen and reported in LimburgBut without conclusive evidence. Given their preference for a large wooded habitat is unlikely that the species is short-term residence in the country.

That seems already happened in Belgium. To the delight of Cuvelier. “I hope the lynx certainly come in person to be. Just as I have experienced with the wolf.” Cuvelier made in June, a video of a wolf, a few meters away. He had hidden under hay bale to create the images.

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