They are 18 high school students in 1st specialty Technician carpenter designer of the Joseph-Savina vocational high school de Tréguier, united by the same passion, wood. This year’s educational project revolves around professional experience. A first in high school! Not as a future carpenter, or cabinetmaker or other trades resulting from the training. No, no… But truly as a business creator, with the support of the Entrepreneurship to learn federation (EPA), approved by the Ministry of National Education. The concept: support a mini-enterprise in a school to develop the entrepreneurial spirit among young people.
From marketing to production to sales
It is therefore quite natural that on December 17, the presentation of the project was made by the two young CEOs of Savi_Wood, Morgan Savidan and Evan Mary. Savi_Wood is about approaching corporate marketing, establishing commercial relationships, communicating via social networks, manufacturing prototypes, producing, selling.
All subjects are involved: drawing to represent the object in 3D, French and English for writing texts, expression, and practice with the use of machines. “Through this project, the aim is to develop transversal skills to acquire experience and autonomy”, explain Ms. Carteron, French teacher and Mr. Callec, carpentry teacher.
A real eco-responsible mini-company
Thus, several hours a week, the high school students work on their business: look for and collect pallets to transform them, because one of the priorities of the project is sustainable development, manage the stock, then follow a multitude of steps to arrive at the finished product: sorting and removing the planks to be recycled, planing, planing, profiling, assembling, lengthening to arrive at the finished product (pencil pots, nesting tables, etc.) which will then be sold via a website totally created by Lucas Ollivier, the young community manager of the mini-enterprise. The proceeds of the sale will then be donated to an association of their choice.
To know more
Savi_Wood. page Facebook, Saviwwood22220 ; Instagram : savi_wood and web: