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Luzerner Kantonalbank Introduces Energy-Saving Mortgage Plus for Sustainable Property Investments

As Luzerner Kantonalbank AG announces, it will bring the energy-saving mortgage plus onto the market in mid-October 2023. Investing ecologically should be worthwhile.

On June 18, 2023, the Swiss electorate adopted the “Federal Law on Climate Protection Goals, Innovation and Strengthening Energy Security”.

The law stipulates that Switzerland should no longer emit any greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (“net zero target”).

A large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by buildings: according to the Federal Office for the Environment, around 40 percent of Swiss energy consumption and around 25 percent of domestic CO2 emissions come from the building sector.

LUKB launches energy-saving mortgage plus

“The legal regulations for energy-saving renovations and new construction of properties are likely to become increasingly stricter,” says Guido Estermann, real estate expert at LUKB.

He is convinced: “Investments in sustainable and ecological technologies pay off for homeowners. They improve energy efficiency, maintain the value of the property and, last but not least, protect the environment.”

From mid-October 2023, LUKB will now be offering the energy-saving mortgage plus.

The offer is aimed at property owners from Central Switzerland who want to build new ecologically or sustainably renovate or refurbish an existing property.

Energy-efficient renovation with preferential interest rates

Guido Estermann explains how LUKB provides advice: “We use our own ‘renovation cost and CO2 calculator’ to determine in advance the approximate date of renovation of the property, the current heat requirement and the CO2 emissions, including the reduction path that can be achieved with appropriate renovation measures .

This gives our customers an overview of the approximate renovation costs and the upcoming financing amount.

If property owners decide on energy-saving construction measures, they benefit from attractive, reduced-interest mortgages with the Energy Saving Mortgage Plus and, if necessary, have access to a broad network of qualified, independent energy consultants.

If requested, they advise on topics such as energy efficiency and funding, refer to craft businesses, evaluate offers, accompany the implementation and finally review the construction or renovation measures that have been decided on.



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2023-10-16 19:22:12
#Luzerner #Kantonalbank #launches #energysaving #mortgage

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