JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – A luxury Ferrari sedan hit five other drivers in the Jalan Jenderal Sudirman area, near the Senayan Roundabout, South Jakarta, on Sunday (8/10/2023) morning.
Seen on the Instagram page @around.jaksel, this red luxury sedan was badly damaged at the front.
According to the video, the Ferrari was involved in an accident with a taxi and several motorbikes in the area.
When confirmed, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum, Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Jhoni Eka Putra, said that this incident began when the Ferrari driver with the initials RAS was driving from the north towards the south of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.
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However, because he was not careful, RAS hit five vehicles that were stopped in front of him.
“It is suspected that he was not careful and concentrated and finally hit five vehicles, namely a Toyota Avanza, a taxi, a Honda Brio and several motorbikes that were stopped in front of him,” said Jhoni in his statement, Sunday (8/10/2023) .
As a result, the two motorbike drivers who were hit by RAS suffered injuries and were taken to the Muhammadiyah Taman Puring Hospital.
Jhoni said the cause of the accident was still under investigation.
“The cause of the accident is still under investigation,” he said.
Also read: Brakes Fail, Truck Crashes with Mikrotrans and Motorbike in Kembangan
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2023-10-08 06:36:00
#Ferrari #car #crashes #vehicles #Jalan #Sudirman #people #suffer #injuries #Kompas.com