Home » today » Entertainment » Luxury budget. Leverage of 20,000 lei per month for the presence in the management of CEC Bank. What a person from a top position made 1,000,000 lei in a year

Luxury budget. Leverage of 20,000 lei per month for the presence in the management of CEC Bank. What a person from a top position made 1,000,000 lei in a year

Bogdan Neacşu, member of the Board of Directors of CEC Bank and chairman of the Management Committee of the banking institution, included in his wealth declaration the cumulated income from the two structures, ie 1,233,000 lei in 2020. More precisely, Neacşu received monthly 102,750 lei for his activity at CEC Bank.

One million lei as a budget

Mihaela Lucica Popa, first vice-president of CEC Bank and member of the Board of Directors, had, according to the wealth declaration, “salary rights” of 921,000 lei. If we make a simple calculation, Popa received 76,750 lei per month. And this was not the only income, because the first vice-president of CEC Bank is also retired, and the monthly amount that was taken into account from this income was 16,000 lei, given that the entire amount for 2020 was 192,000 lei.

Last year, Tiberiu Valentin Mavrodin received only 67,200 lei salary from ANAF, while the amounts received from his presence on the boards of directors were enviable. The quality of member in the Board of Directors at CEC Bank brought him an income of 227,600 lei, ie a monthly remuneration of 18,900 lei, while the presence in the Board of Directors of the Romanian Auto Registry rounded his income by 167,000 lei, ie another monthly salary of 13,900 lei.

Another member of CA CEC Bank is Ciprian Badea, general manager in the Ministry of Public Finance. If for the position in MFP he received only 53,800 lei in 2020, for the quality of board member of CEC Bank he received four times more, ie 227,600 lei. Mihai Vătăşoiu’s presence in the Board of Directors also brought, in 2020, the amount of 227,600 lei, in addition to the revenues of 103,000 from ANAF. Therefore, also a gross indemnity towards the basic salary, which made him have a monthly income of 27,550 lei.

The head of ANAF, Mirela Călugăreanu, is also the chairman of the Board of CEC Bank. And this quality gives him the right to a double income from CEC Bank, compared to the basic income of the head of ANAF. If in 2020 he received from ANAF, the amount of 129,700 lei, for the board of directors he received approximately 253,000 lei.

Limitation of sinecks, blocked in Parliament

In the parliamentary procedure there are two draft laws to limit sinecures, one of PNL, one of PSD. The PNL initiative reduces the number of people in Boards and Supervisory Boards by two seats and allows the presence of one person in a maximum of two such structures, given that the presence in a maximum of three boards can currently be accepted. The PSD project stipulates that a person from the Board of Directors or the SC has a monthly salary of a maximum of 10,000 lei gross, if he is on the executive position, and only 5,000 lei gross, if he is on a non-executive position. However, both projects are blocked in the specialized commissions of the Chamber of Deputies, for decision-making.

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