Home » today » Business » Luxshare Precision was responded to by the US 337 investigation company saying that it has no substantial impact on the current production and operation | Luxshare Precision|Patents|Ministry of Commerce_Sina Technology

Luxshare Precision was responded to by the US 337 investigation company saying that it has no substantial impact on the current production and operation | Luxshare Precision|Patents|Ministry of Commerce_Sina Technology

Original title: Luxshare Precision was responded to by US 337 investigation company saying that it has no substantial impact on current production and operation. Source: Financial Associated Press

On January 22, affected by rumors that Apple was about to cut orders, the Apple industry chain fell collectively, and Lens Technology and other companies fell significantly. Subsequently, the website of the Ministry of Commerce released the decision of the US International Trade Commission to initiate a 337 investigation on specific electrical connectors and cage components and their products, and Lixun Precision was involved in the case.

In response to the investigation, the company responded that it will not have a substantial impact on the company’s current production and operations.

Luxshare Precision was investigated by US 337

According to the latest news on the website of the Ministry of Commerce, on January 21, 2021, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) decided to determine the specific electrical connector and cage components and their products (Certain Cellular Signal Boosters, Repeaters, Bi-Directional Amplifiers, And Components Thereof ) Initiate 337 investigation.

The investigation was carried out by Ampheol on December 18, 2020, in accordance with Section 337 of the “U.S. Tariff Act of 1930”, filed an application with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), accusing it of export to the U.S. and import in the U.S. Or specific electrical connectors and cages and their components and downstream products (Certain Electrical Connectors and Cages, Components Thereof, and Products Containing the Same) sold in the United States infringe its patent rights, request 337 investigation, and issue a limited exclusion order and Prohibition order.

Lixun Precision Industry Co., Ltd. and Dongguan Lixun Precision Industry Co., Ltd. were involved in the case.

Regarding the investigation, the company responded that the Section 337 investigation will not have a substantial impact on the company’s current production and operations.

According to Luxshare Precision’s internal inspection, the company currently has 5 US patents involved in this 337 investigation, involving conductive plastic technology and terminal horizontal injection molding technology, which are independently developed and designed by the company and applied to high-speed external IO connector products.

The company stated that, as a high-tech enterprise, it has always attached importance to the management and protection of intellectual property rights, abided by various intellectual property laws and regulations, and actively carried out the application, protection and operation and maintenance of intellectual property rights by establishing an intellectual property department and equipping relevant professionals. The company and its subsidiaries currently have 2,064 valid patents. All products of the company have carried out multiple patent investigations before the implementation of new technologies to effectively prevent infringement risks.

The company also stated that since the company entered the field of high-speed communication connectors, it and Amphenol Group have their respective advantages in patent layout in this field. While maintaining active and open communication, each has its own claims on each other’s patents. After learning of this incident, the company has established a special working group and hired American lawyers to actively respond to the 337 investigation. According to preliminary judgment, the Section 337 investigation will not have a material impact on the company’s current production and operations, and the company will continue to follow up on the progress of the above matters.


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