The Minister of Public Works, in charge of Energy, Roberto Luquehas announced the temporary suspension of the electricity outages that the country suffers as a result of the drought that affects the hydroelectric plants.
“Given improvements in rainfall, our main hydroelectric plants are operating efficiently, allowing nationwide power outages to be temporarily suspended until Sunday, May 5, 2024.”Luque said.
“We are happy to report that the conditions in Mazar and Paute are favorable, which guarantees our optimal operational capacity,” he added in a press conference, the ninth since he took charge of the portfolio, after the dismissal of the previous one, Andrea Arrobo.
As reported by El Universo, the height of the Mazar dam is 2,118 meters, when the maximum is 2,153. While Paute is at 1,984 meters, and the maximum is 1,991. In addition, rain is projected.
The blackouts were also suspended this Wednesday due to improvement of conditions in these plants and after Colombia resumed the electrical interconnection with Ecuador.
The scheduled blackout in Ecuador began in mid-Aprilwhen the Government announced periods of rationing of up to 13 hours in some placeswith an average of eight hours on a national scale in different cities and areas according to consumption factors.
Rationing has gradually decreased and last Tuesday it was two hours on average as in the case of Quito, the country’s capital.
Minister Luque, who last week explained that Each hour of electricity rationing caused losses of about 12 million dollarspointed out that in those days the hydrological situation of the country will be evaluated to determine the actions that the authority of the branch will take next week.

#Luque #announces #suspension #blackouts