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‘Lungs’ Review: Claire Foy and Matt Smith Chase Love in the Dark

The woman and man who make up the entire cast of Duncan Macmillan’s “Lungs,” which is streaming in a beautifully acted (and socially distanced) live production from London’s Old Vic Theater, are people who seldom think before they talk. Feelings — big, sloppy, mixed, unedited, self-incriminating feelings — slosh out of them like the contents of overfilled, foaming beer mugs on a wobbly tray.

This nameless couple, longtime romantic partners who probably shouldn’t be yet have to be together, are portrayed by Claire Foy and Matt Smith. As I watched them break and reassemble each other’s hearts with such seemingly spontaneous fervor, I thought what a relief it must be for them after all that bottled-up time together in Buckingham Palace.

Foy and Smith are best known these days for playing another, less demonstrative set of partners who have definite, very recognizable names: Queen Elizabeth II and her consort, Prince Philip, whom they embodied exquisitely in the first two seasons of “The Crown,” the popular Netflix series about life among the Windsors. For that royal pair, emotions were something to be kept in check or manifested most discreetly.

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