At the 11th Wernfried-Gappmayer-Gedächtnispreis the young musicians from Lungau showed a lot of quality and a lot of feeling. You could hear everything from clarinet to accordion to singing.
SN/sw/musicum tamsweg
The picture shows the young talents of Lungau with Musikum Director Barbara Brugger (2nd from left) and Kiwanis President Bernhard Thomaser (right). Small picture: Simone Hönegger from Lessach.
The Lungau does not need to worry about young musicians. In the LN interview, Musikum state director Michael Seywald talks about the young musicians in Lungau: “It is very gratifying that a lot of music is played together, because especially in a time of distraction from dealing with social media, the taking of free time by the digital, virtual world, the ‘analogue’ togetherness suffers. When making music, listening to one another, a high degree of mindfulness, concentration and a balanced emotional relationship are very important, and this becomes very important when playing in an ensemble …
Accessed on February 19, 2023 at 12:16 p.m. at