Home » Health » Lung cancer study reveals tumors have infinite adaptability and evolution, emphasizing the importance of prevention and early detection.

Lung cancer study reveals tumors have infinite adaptability and evolution, emphasizing the importance of prevention and early detection.

Cancer has an infinite capacity to evolve, scientists say. (Schematic / Pexels)

Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK, affecting around 48,000 people each year. A recent British study tracked lung cancer cases for nine years and found that cancer tumors have an unlimited capacity to evolve and survive, and this applies to different types of cancer.

according to《BBC》According to reports, a study called TracerX conducted an in-depth analysis of how cancer evolves and why it spreads. The team tracked lung cancer for 9 years and tested 400 patients in 13 hospitals in the UK. They felt the power of cancer. Surprised and awed. Scientists say tumors have an almost unlimited capacity for evolution and survival. The evolutionary analysis of the study has been published in journals such as Nature and Nature Medicine.

Professor Swanton (Prof Swanton), who participated in the study, said he was surprised by the tumor’s adaptability. A large number of cells, possibly as many as 100 billion, is a daunting task for advanced treatment, and I don’t think we can come up with a general treatment.”

TracerX research shows that cancer evolves over time, rather than being static, it can become more aggressive, adept at evading the immune system and spreading throughout the body; when a tumor starts as a single cell, it becomes a mixture of millions of cells, These cells all mutate in different ways, a condition that applies to different types of cancer.

Swanton emphasized that everyone should focus on prevention and early detection. David Crosby, head of prevention and early detection at Cancer Research UK, said the findings add to their new understanding of how advanced cancers can become very difficult to treat successfully. Obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse and poor diet are known to increase the risk of certain cancers.

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