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Luna, Celsius, FTX, the image of cryptocurrencies in the USA is disastrous

The year 2022 will have been marked by 3 things: an unexpected bear market, the collapse of Terra Luna and the tidal wave FTP extension. The press, television, all the media have been talking about our ecosystem for almost 9 months. But sadly don’t talk about it well. A survey by CNBC proves it.

The survey shows a sharp decline in the image of cryptocurrencies in the United States

So it’s really a surprise to see that the cryptocurrency picture is so much worse than it was a year ago, in the middle of a period.” magic money ” from rising market ?

The answer is no, of course. Even for people who work in or regularly frequent the crypto ecosystem, the image of this sector has taken a huge hit.
So for the general public, how can we expect anything other than an ultra negative image?

This is proven investigation presented at the end of November (from 26 to 30) by CNBC. The results, collected on 800 Americans (we agree, they are very few) show a rather violent drop in public trust.
Near 43% of respondents have a negative opinion cryptocurrencies, only against 25% in March.
Conversely, people who have a positive image of the ecosystem have passed by 19% at the beginning of the year, only 8% during the investigation.

This violent decline is very easily explained by the current context. And even if the market was already gloomy in March, if respondents invested at the beginning of the year, they inevitably wince today. Looking at their portfolios in December, if they invested just for the return without believing in the technology, they certainly mustn’t be very enthusiastic.

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Mr. and Mrs. all prefer to observe from a distance

Brian Brooks, PDG of Bitfury he said this very anti-cryptocurrency mentality makes perfect sense.

« It’s a 90% retail market, which means that maternal investor sentiment really matters. […] And so, when you read FTX stories on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, literally every day for 30 days… relative newcomers, they freak out. And so, as a result, liquidity is scarcer than it would have been and people’s willingness to invest is weaker. »

Brian Brooks – Source: CNBC

It is still interesting to compare what people think of cryptocurrency investments, versus more traditional investments, such as the stock market.
Alone 26% of respondents I believe stocks should be invested today, the lowest level since 15 years. Moreover 51% I think it’s a really bad time to do it.

You can find the entire survey and all its details on the CNBC website. Whatever your position with respect to the cryptocurrency, be carefuls, always do personal research on the various topics e don’t invest what are you willing to lose.

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