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Lumberjacks Salzgitter Finish Best Season in Club History Despite Missing Final Round of Darts-Bundesliga

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1. Darts-Bundesliga

Lumberjacks play best season in club history

07.05.2023, 14:23

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Luca Schurig and the Lumberjacks Salzgitter may have missed the final round with defeats against Wolfenbüttel (4:8) and Eilbeck (5:7), but they can look back on their most successful season in the Bundesliga.

Photo: Dennis Lendeckel / regios24

Due to two defeats on the last day of the game, the Bundesliga club Lumberjacks Salzgitter just missed the final round.

It wasn’t meant to be. On the last day of the game Darts-Bundesliga missed the Lumberjacks Salzgitter with the 4:8 against them Bulldogs Wolfenbüttel and the 5:7 against hosts SC Eilbek entry into the final round of the German championship.

Even before the first game it was clear that neither the mathematical nor possible descentnor the theoretically possible jump to the top of the table would be up for debate, because Wolfenbüttel had defeated Eilbek 8:4. So in the derby against the Bulldogs only revenge for the narrow defeat in the first half of the season is possible, in which of all things Ex-Lumberjack Meik Dankers sealed the decision.

Mortgage is too big after the single pairings

Lumberjacks Salzgitter – Bulldogs Wolfenbüttel 4: 8. In a duel with his former teammate left Lumberjacks Maik Switalla didn’t burn anything against Dankers and won 4:1. Ex-Bulldog scored the same result Steffen Mueller, who shone with high finishes of 105 and 164 points, equalized at the same time to make it 3:3. Because after the first half of the individual game, the Sölter team was 1:3 behind. Only newcomer Eric Gohdewho made it 4-1 over Marcel Gomula had celebrated a perfect debut, scored something countable. The fact that it was not a draw in the doubles was due to the strong Lessingstadt players in the other singles pairs. The mortgage weighed too much, the Lumberjacks were ultimately unable to turn the tables.

Lumberjacks come after 0:4 – but lose narrowly

SC Eilbeck – Lumberjacks Salzgitter 7:5. The minimum chance of finals decreased drastically after the first singles in the game against SC Eilbek. The people of Stahlstadt quickly caught up 0:4 return. “The Hamburgers brought their games with an extreme volume on the stage,” was also the team spokesman Christian Switalla taken by surprise Florian Statue curbed Hamburg’s enthusiasm with his 86 cut. At 4:1 he threw the best legs of the entire game with 13 and 14 darts. Maik Switalla and Sven Herre further shortened to 3:5.

In doubles, the Lumberjacks again lacked that bit of luck. Socha/Schurig initially brought their colors forward with a 4:3, but Maik Switalla/Michael Bernt got a high finish in the worst possible moment. The win was gone. Steffen Müller/Nico Schunke kept the hope alive for at least one point, but Sven Herre/Eric Gohde missed the decisive double field, while Eilbek made the double 3 to decide.

“Somehow today has the conviction missing in our game. In the end we are still on a good note fifth place, something we can be proud of. It was an extremely exciting season, unfortunately it wasn’t enough for the finals,” said Christian Switalla.

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2023-05-07 12:46:23
#Lumberjacks #play #season #club #history

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