Alfonso Signorini wanted to dedicate to Lulu Selassiè a long parenthesis during the 25th direct of the Big Brother Vip. After further clarification on the relationship with Manuel Bortuzzo, Signorini calls her into the LED room to face an important and painful parenthesis in her life, which has not yet been addressed. “You said that nobody knows what you went through and that is why they can’t judge, can you tell us what you haven’t told us yet?”asks Signorini. Lulu does not hold back her tears and tells of a very delicate moment in her life and, more generally, of her family. “In one period we didn’t even have to eat and nobody helped us, not even the people to whom we had given everything and we had done it with the heart.” Lulu said, continuing through tears.
“Many people, indeed, have moved away from us because we no longer invited them to certain places, perhaps for dinner, on vacation…” “How did we live? Thanks to those very few people who helped us, but we were seven people and two dogs and we had to choose whether to eat ourselves or the dogs. “, finally admitted, moved, Selassiè to Signorini.