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“Lula must hit hard from the start but be skillful”

Belgian political scientist, professor in Brussels and author of
Brazil, the endless emergence (Tallandier, 2022), Frédéric Louault explains the situation of the Latin American giant, at the start of Lula’s third term. On January 8, 2023, democracy faltered, when thousands of Bolsonarist activists attacked the Three Powers Square in Brasilia, which includes the Congress, the presidential palace and the Supreme Federal Court. Will Lula take up all the challenges, national and international?

Will the third Lula government serve to consolidate institutions?

It will be a mandate of reconstruction, more than stabilization. After the steamroller Jair Bolsonaro, this is his goal. He has to start all over again. Example: the fight against hunger. It was his great banner when he came to power in 2003. He will seize it again, since so many people are suffering from it. An investigation is underway to find out if Bolsonaro’s government can be accused of genocide. Have indigenous populations been left to starve voluntarily? During the health crisis, some congressmen accused the government of knowingly letting the virus spread among indigenous peoples to make them disappear. A parliamentary commission of inquiry worked but the crime of genocide was not voted on.

Is the new President confident?

He arrives as the great protector of democracy. The expectations, the responsibilities, the burden are heavy. He played heavily on his experience during the campaign, saying: “I can restructure democracy, the economy, engage the fight

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