Home » today » News » Lula calls to organize a meeting of progressives – 2024-04-25 13:16:44

Lula calls to organize a meeting of progressives – 2024-04-25 13:16:44

The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvasaid this Tuesday that he wants to promote a meeting of progressive leaders within the framework of the next General Assembly from HIMin order to discuss a joint “confrontation” with the growth of the extreme right.

Lula explained that he has already presented his proposal to the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchezand to the French leader, Emmanuel Macronand that he will discuss it with other progressive leaders before the UN General Assembly, scheduled for next September in NY.

The Brazilian president assured that the phenomenon of the extreme right “is global” and represents “a democratic setback”, since it represents an advance “of racism, xenophobia and an ‘agenda of customs’ that persecutes minorities.”

Lula particularly highlighted the growth of the extreme right in Europe and the United States, a country that he said was a “symbol of democracy in the world” and that in January 2022 suffered the violent attack on the Capitol, promoted by activists aligned with the ideas of the former president Donald Trump.

Takeover of the Capitol. Photo from La República Archive.

He compared the events at the Capitol with the assault on the headquarters of the three branches of government that occurred in Brazil in January 2023, launched by followers of the far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro who did not accept his defeat in the previous year’s elections.

According to Lula, democratic leaders “cannot allow the denial of all the institutions that were created to maintain democracy to prevail” and must join forces against an extremist movement for which “what is most valuable is a lie.”

In this context, he framed his proposal for a meeting of progressive leaders during the UN General Assembly, in which he believes that “how to confront” together “this growth of the extreme right” should be discussed. EFE (I)

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