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Lukoil Funds in State Budget to Benefit Low-Income Families

The funds received in the state budget from “Lukoil” due to the use of Russian oil will be distributed to the poorest. Thus, over 300,000 low-income families will receive an average of BGN 230 in one-time assistance. The initial idea was to use this money from “Lukoil” to reduce fuel prices by between BGN 1 and 70 cents.

Instead of a reduction in the price of fuel, families with income per person below the minimum wage will receive one-time assistance, BNT reported.

The Ministry of Social Affairs announced that the funds will be paid by the Social Assistance Agency ex officio to families who, in the period from December 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024, receive monthly allowances for raising a child until the completion of secondary education, but no more than 20 years of age.

The Minister of Economy and Industry, Bogdan Bogdanov, announced that the mechanism of the Ministry of Social Affairs was maximally facilitated:

“So there will be no need for these vulnerable groups that are flagged by colleagues, no need to submit additional documents, so it will be easy for this help to reach them.”

It is not clear when the payments will start, but the final date is June 30. The minister did not answer a question about how exactly the group to be assisted was chosen.

Adrian Nikolov, senior economist at IPI: “It’s a bit strange the chosen approach and the transition to social assistance and the financing of families with children. On the one hand, it is very commendable that the Ministry of Social Affairs is trying to introduce some criteria, and not as it was before and when the price of fuel was reduced for all consumers, but the target group was rather strangely chosen, it is not clear exactly how the decision was made that families with children need exactly such a discount.”

According to the economist, the aid should be targeted:

“It would be very logical to target people who travel from one place to another for work, of course again with income criteria as it is done now. It is not clear that every family with children needs money for transport to get them ride to kindergarten or school.”

The initial idea of ​​the rulers when adopting the texts in the law was that the money collected from Lukoil, calculated on the basis of the money earned by the company due to the use of cheaper Russian oil, should go to reducing fuel prices. GERB-SDS insisted on this the most.

The chairman of the energy commission in the parliament, Delyan Dobrev, wrote on Facebook:

“After a year of fierce struggle with “Continuing the Change” and the Lukoil coalition, the fuel compensation law finally came into force. For the month of December alone, “Lukoil” must contribute BGN 70,000,000, which must be returned to the people through the columns. This is the 1 BGN per liter in question, which no one disputes anymore. These funds will go to the state by law. Now all that remains is to return them to the people.”

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2024-01-23 20:36:45

#Money #LukoilNeftohims #excess #profits #distributed #lowincome #families

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