Home » today » News » Łukasz Mejza and the case of his company. Rafał Trzaskowski on the possible resignation of the Deputy Minister of Sport and Tourism

Łukasz Mejza and the case of his company. Rafał Trzaskowski on the possible resignation of the Deputy Minister of Sport and Tourism

The Mayor of Warsaw and the vice-chairman of the Civic Platform, Rafał Trzaskowski in “Fakty po Faktach” commented on reports that the company of the current deputy minister of sport, Łukasz Mejza, promised to treat seriously ill patients with a method that has no medical confirmation. “Haven’t heard anything so outrageous in a long time,” he said. In such a situation, he admitted, he would expect the immediate resignation of Meise.

On Wednesday, Wirtualna Polska wrote that the company of the deputy minister of sport and tourism, Łukasz Mejza, promised to treat people struggling with incurable diseases. Mejza was to personally convince parents of sick children that his company’s therapy would cure them – the starting price was $ 80,000. The method praised by Mejza has no medical confirmation. The deputy minister announced that the WP article “will be subject to court proceedings.”


The deputies of the Left informed the prosecutor’s office about the possibility of Mejza committing a crime. They also turned to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki with a request for the immediate dismissal of Mejza from the deputy minister.

Trzaskowski on the activities of the Mejzy company

The President of Warsaw and the vice-chairman of the Civic Platform, Rafał Trzaskowski, asked in Friday’s “Fakty po Faktach” whether he would have expected the deputy minister’s resignation to be immediate, admitted that “of course it is.”

– I have not heard of anything so shocking for a long time. But it seems that PiS has got used to the fact that it can do absolutely anything and break absolutely all standards, and I hope that it will take revenge on this government as soon as possible – he said.

According to the president of the capital, “PiS has been trying to sweep all scandals under the carpet for many, many years and months.” – On the other hand, this one is so extremely outrageous that I hope that if the decision [o dymisji – przyp. red.] will not fall within hours, PiS will simply pay a salty bill for it – said Trzaskowski.


Łukasz Mejza and the case of his company. Rafał Trzaskowski on the possible resignation of the Deputy Minister of Sport and TourismTVN24

Coronavirus in Warsaw. Trzaskowski: Most covid beds are occupied

Trzaskowski also talked about the epidemic situation in Warsaw. According to him, “the situation is very serious because we are approaching a peak in the disease which, unfortunately, surpasses those peaks from previous waves.”

– Most of the covid beds in Warsaw are occupied – informed the president of the capital. He said that, for example, the South Hospital has almost 250 beds and “only 50 are left.”

Coronavirus in Warsaw.  Trzaskowski: Most covid beds are occupied

Coronavirus in Warsaw. Trzaskowski: Most covid beds are occupiedTVN24

The TVN24 guest assessed that “the government did not present any strategy” in the fight against the pandemic. – While in the first wave of covid you could expect everyone to be surprised, in the fourth wave it is difficult to absolve the fact that there is no strategy – he commented. In his opinion, “the rulers are trying to shift the responsibility onto entrepreneurs, onto employers.”

– The rulers do not want to take responsibility on their shoulders, they do not want to present a strategy, because truthfully they are simply afraid of responsibility – said Trzaskowski.

Trzaskowski: with the fourth wave of COVID-19, it is difficult to absolve the fact that there is no strategy

Trzaskowski: with the fourth wave of COVID-19, it is difficult to absolve the fact that there is no strategyTVN24

Trzaskowski on the use of covid passports

The deputy head of the PO admitted that he was in favor of “introducing restrictions and using covid passports”. – Certainly at mass events. Do you have to use it in restaurants? It depends on the exact data we have today, perhaps if this data is even more serious than the hospital occupancy shows. Perhaps, he said.

– If you ask me about cinemas, theaters – yes. If you ask me about restaurants, it depends on the data. If you ask me about shops, for example – probably not – continued Trzaskowski, addressing Katarzyna Kolenda-Zaleska, who runs the program.

photo-source">Main photo source: TVN24

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