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Lukashenko’s regime targets masters of the word / Article

The Union of Belarusian Writers has become another non-governmental organization that the regime of the authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko wants to abolish. This is not the first time that the Belarusian Writers’ Union has come under the hammer of power. Belarusian opponents are convinced that Lukashenko’s goal is to silence all those who have spoken out against the atrocities committed by his regime.

The Lukashenko regime is turning against the masters of the wordUldis Ķezberis

The Supreme Court of Belarus this week began hearing an application filed by the Ministry of Justice for the termination of the independent Belarusian Writers’ Union.

The Union of Belarusian Writers is the oldest organization of creative workers in Belarus, founded in 1934 by the classics of Belarusian literature Janka Kupala and Jakubs Kolass. Other famous Belarusian writers and poets have also worked there. Today, this organization is engaged in the promotion of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language, the preservation of national heritage, as well as the protection of freedom of expression and the interests of writers. Currently, the Belarusian Writers’ Union has more than 450 members.

In an open letter last November, the Belarusian Writers ‘Union condemned the Belarusian authorities’ brutal crackdown on citizens protesting against the falsification of the August presidential election.

Following the publication of the letter, the authorities did not take action against the organization. However, in July, law enforcement officers came to the Belarusian Writers’ Union, as well as several other non-governmental organizations and the independent media, to conduct searches. The Belarusian Committee of Inquiry said the organizations suspected money laundering and tax evasion.

Boris Petrovich, the head of the Belarusian Writers’ Union, who is under house arrest, has stated that he and his lawyers will do everything possible to prevent the liquidation of the organization.

Also in 2006, the authorities tried to liquidate the Belarusian Writers’ Union, but at that time the organization appealed to the Supreme Court and won the case.

It should be noted that in 2005 the Belarusian Writers’ Union was established, which receives state funding. It is run by people loyal to President Alexander Lukashenko.

Writer and translator Andrei Hadanovich believes that the abolition of the Union of Belarusian Writers would be a disaster for Belarusian culture, but it would not deter writers from creating and publishing.

“The authorities are putting even more pressure on the creative forces. But no one will stop writing, publishing books, magazines, participating in literary events. It will all become a partisan movement, a partisan activity,”

Hadanovich said in an interview with the television channel “Belsat”.

The Belarusian government’s condemnation of the Belarusian Writers’ Union has been condemned by foreign literary organizations.

For example, a statement issued by the European Writers’ Council said the Lukashenko regime wanted to “restrict literary diversity and freedom of opinion” in Belarus. The Swedish Writers ‘Association, for its part, said the attempt to abolish the Belarusian Writers’ Union was further evidence that Minsk was “systematically repressing civil society.”

Andrejs Hadanovičs is pleased with the solidarity of his foreign colleagues.

“I especially do not believe that our regime and security forces read and take these statements into account. But at least it is easier for us – we are aware that many people in the world think about us, are worried about us and are ready to help us,” says Hadanovich.

This month, the Supreme Court of Belarus liquidated another organization of writers – the Belarusian PEN Center, headed by Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexeyevich.

The exiled head of the Belarusian People’s Anti-Crisis Council, Pavel Latuško, believes that the liquidation of the Belarusian Writers’ Union and other non-governmental creative organizations confirms the Lukashenko regime’s desire to take revenge on all those who criticize it and destroy Belarusian culture and nation.

“This is a strong blow aimed at stifling Belarusian culture, the Belarusian language, the Belarusian intelligentsia in our country as a whole. But there is nothing to complain about. It must be understood that this is a challenge to the continued existence of Belarusian culture and “It is very important not to regret, but to act, to resist it and to tell the truth, to take the necessary steps to change the situation,” Latushko said in a conversation with the television channel “Dozh”.

The Belarussian authorities also want to liquidate the Belarusian Language Association and the World Belarusian Association “Bacjushushina” (“Fatherland”).

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