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Lukashenko warns of Putin’s nuclear danger, it could cause the apocalypse


Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has warned that Russia’s nuclear weapons under the command of President Vladimir Putin could trigger the Earth’s apocalypse. PHOTOS / REUTERS

MINSK – Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons Russia under the command of the president Vladimir Putin .

According to him, if weapons were used in Ukraine it would be the end of planet Earth or the apocalypse. Because the effect is not only of Ukraine, but there is also a chain reaction.

He believes Putin will not use such a dangerous weapon unless Russia is really cornered.

According to him, the threat of nuclear war is only a political motivation. However, if that happens, destruction will occur and not just in Ukraine.

“This will be the end of our planet,” said Lukashenko.

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“If nuclear weapons are used by even one country, it will cause a chain reaction. Russia understands this well,” he said in an interview with NBC NewsFriday.

“And no one, I want to emphasize, I know for sure from President Putin himself, no one has set himself the goal of using nuclear weapons,” added Lukashenko, known as Putin’s ally.

As Ukraine strengthens its defenses and its counterattack continues to undermine Russian troops, Putin’s rhetoric has become increasingly aggressive, with the Russian president explicitly threatening to use nuclear weapons to protect the newly annexed territories.

Lukashenko said that if some red lines were crossed in Ukraine, Putin could continue his attack on the country in an even worse way than he has already done.

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