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Lukashenka accuses Poland of the protests in Belarus. “A special center has been created near Warsaw” | World news

During Friday’s meeting with employees of the Dzerzhinsky agricultural conglomerate near Minsk, Alyaksandr Lukashenka again accused the West of organizing proteststhat erupted in the country after the last elections presidential. – They prepared this mess for us – he argued, adding that “the West wants to attract Bia³oru¶ to himself against Russia “.

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Lukashenka: A special center was created near Warsaw

Lukashenka said that the development of the situation in Belarus is planned in the United States, from where the activities are directed.

All this is planned and managed by the United States, and Europeans applaud. A special center was created near Warsaw. We control the situation and we know what it does

– said the president of Belarus. He did not give any details about the alleged center – he merely stated that “when the tanks begin to move and the planes fly, it is not accidental.” He also announced that Swiat³ana CichanouskaNow in Lithuania, she “asked to go abroad herself” and had to be helped. As reported by Andrzej Poczobut, journalist and member of the Main Board of the Union of Poles in Belarus, Lukashenka admitted that instead of the Belarusians who announced the strike, Russians work on the regime TV instead of the Belarusians who announced the strike. – I asked Russia to give us two or three television crews – he was to say.

Meanwhile, strikes in Belarus are not waning – Svetlana Cichanouska called on Friday for their continuation. At the same time, strike committee leaders from the country’s largest plants are detained or called for interrogation. Jauhien Bachwałau, the head of the strike committee of the MAZ car factory in the capital city, was detained in Minsk. Radio Swoboda announces that cameras are set up in the production departments and in factory corridors and that the superiors make sure that workers do not gather in larger groups.

Rallies of support for Lukashenka

Lukashenka’s narrative on the inspiration of the protests by the West was repeated at support rallies the president. – Some pro-European or pro-American forces are trying to organize a state coup in our country. All the Maidan technologies that were in Ukraine are now successfully used by us, said a man at a rally in Molodeczno in the north of the country.

In turn, one middle-aged woman said that she could not imagine another president. – We are fine. I support our president and I don’t see any other development paths, she said. Another participant in the rally admitted that many people were allergic by the president. – If I say today that I support the incumbent president, stones may fly in my direction. Today I am afraid to give my name and surname – said the inhabitant of Mołodeczna.

Demonstrations of support for Lukashenka were organized in 15 cities. Independent media reports that participants are often transported by buses organized by pro-government structures. However, some people came voluntarily.

Read also: The first Cichanouska conference. “I will return to Belarus when I feel safe”

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