Home » today » Entertainment » Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva (left) wins over incumbent Jair Massias Bolsonaro (right) / Bolsonaro had an early lead in the count that was constantly narrowing, after which Lula took over

Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva (left) wins over incumbent Jair Massias Bolsonaro (right) / Bolsonaro had an early lead in the count that was constantly narrowing, after which Lula took over

02:35 Lula 60,329,672 votes – 50.9%, Bolsonaro 58,198,012 votes – 49.1% with 99.97% of the votes counted.

Absenteeism 20.57%, blank votes 1.43%, null votes 3.16%. The voters registered on the lists 156,454,011, of which 697,078 outside the country.

02:30 Lula addresses the nation after confirming his victory:

“First of all, I want to thank God,” Lula said. “The Brazilian people want books instead of guns. It’s time to put down their guns, which should never have been taken out,” she added. Bolsonaro loosened gun laws across Brazil and blew up gun ownership during his presidency.

Lula said he wants to fight racism and ensure that whites, blacks and indigenous people have the same rights and access to the same opportunities. Lula also said he wanted “peace, democracy and dignity” in Brazil. There are no “two Brazil”, he added her. “We are a people”.

02:22 Bolsonaro 49.1%, Lula 50.9% (118.5 million votes, 99.96% counted)

02:07 Bolsonaro 49.1%, Lula 50.9% (118.4 million votes, 99.9% counted)

01:55 Bolsonaro 49.1%, Lula 50.9% (118.4 million votes, 99.87% counted)

01:42 Bolsonaro 49.11%, Lula 50.89% (118.2 million votes, 99.74% counted)

01:23 Bolsonaro 49.12%, Lula 50.88% (118 million votes, 99.5% counted)

01:13 Bolsonaro 49.14%, Lula 50.86% (117.75 million votes, 99.3% counted)

01:03 Lula is the virtual winner of the presidential election and will take office on January 1, 2023. At the age of 77, he was first elected president in 2002 and re-elected in 2006.

1 o’clock Bolsonaro 49.17%, Lula 50.83% (117.2 million votes, 98.8% counted)

00:53 Bolsonaro 49.2%, Lula 50.8% (116.8 million votes, 98.55% counted) Lula is no longer mathematically reachable

00:45 Bolsonaro 49.2%, Lula 50.8% (116.3 million votes, 98% counted)

00:30 Bolsonaro 49.3%, Lula 50.7% (115 million votes, 97% counted)

00:25 Bolsonaro 49.3%, Lula 50.7% (112.8 million votes, 95% counted)

00:10 Bolsonaro 49.5%, Lula 50.5% (107 million votes, 90% counted)

00:03 Bolsonaro 49.6%, Lula 50.4% (100 million votes, 84.3% counted)

00:00 Bolsonaro 49.7%, Lula 50.3% (93.5 million votes, 80% counted)

23:52 Vote counting is extremely fast and traditionally votes in areas where the left is strong come slower. Over 577,000 electronic voting machines are used on election day. Bolsonaro has raised the specter of fraud, but without bringing any evidence of it.

23:46 Bolsonaro 49.96%, Lula 50.04% (82.7 million votes, 70% counted)

23:40 Bolsonaro 50.1%, Lula 49.9% (68.5 million votes, 59% counted)

23:30 Bolsonaro 50.3%, Lula 49.7% (57 million votes, 49.7% counted)

23:20 Bolsonaro 50.6%, Lula 49.4% (49 million votes, 41.75% counted)

23:13 Bolsonaro 50.8%, Lula 49.2% (41.4 million votes, 35.4% counted)

23:03 Bolsonaro 51.1%, Lula 48.9% (33.4 million votes, 28.5% counted)

22:45 Bolsonaro 51.7%, Lula 48.3% (18 million votes, 15.3% counted)

22:40 Bolsonaro 51.9%, Lula 48.1% (12.6 million votes, 12% counted)

22:25 After the tally of almost 5 million votes, Bolsonaro is in the lead with 54% against 46% of Lula, according to the tally of the Superior Electoral Court quoted by the newspaper The globe.

22:00 (Romanian time) The polls closed at 17:00 local time.

The Brazilians were called to the polls on Sunday in the second round of the presidential elections. The result is not easy to predict given that the struggle between the current right-wing (populist) president, Jair Bolsonaro, and his left-wing opponent, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvia, is very close.

Luis Ignacio “Lula” da Silva

– on the left, former union leader, former president in the three-year period 2003-2010
– promises to increase Amazon’s warranties
– promises to eradicate hunger and poverty in the country
– resume multilateral international policy and regional leadership

Jair Massias Bolsonaro

– right-wing populist, former army captain
– carried out the long-awaited pension reform and promises to continue the reform of the Brazilian state
– promises to fight against gender ideology and to govern on the basis of Christian principles
– Loose firearms legislation

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