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Luis Barrionuevo’s medical report confirms that he had a “small volume brain bleed”

Luis Barrionuevo recovers at the Güemes Sanatorium

The gastronomic unionist Luis Barrionuevo was recovering this morning, although he remains in the intensive care service, after a “small volume brain bleed” that he suffered yesterday and which forced him to be treated urgently at the Güemes Sanatorium.

The private health center reported in a statement that the union member “is admitted to Intensive Care for a small volume of brain bleeding, he is completely lucid and has preserved motility.” It is scheduled that at 6 p.m., in that same health facility, doctor Conrado Estol will give a press conference to give more details of his evolution.

In the statement, signed by Dr. Néstor Morgulis, medical director of the Güemes Sanatorium, it is indicated that the complication suffered by Barrionuevo “is compatible with his chronic condition of high blood pressure.” And he concluded: “He currently has stable vital signs, is cooperative and has improved the aforementioned neurological impact.”

Barrionuevo, 82 years old and head of the Union of Gastronomic Workers (UTHGRA), decompensated yesterday afternoon and was urgently hospitalized. The information that had emerged from unofficial sources was that he had suffered a stroke. The official report reveals that the union member actually had a “brain bleed,” although it was clarified that it was of “small volume.”

In any case, sources close to the gastronomic leader clarified that since yesterday he had already returned to normal parameters, that he was recovered and that he was going to continue in therapy as a precaution. In the afternoon, Estol – who is a renowned neurologist – is expected to provide more information about the patient’s situation.

The leader has been at the head of the union for 39 years and although he is not part of the CGT, he leads a sector of unionism to which one of the three general secretaries of the official labor union, Carlos Acuña (service stations), belongs. He maintains a relationship of tension and agreements with the government of Javier Milei, whom he supported during the last electoral campaign until they broke relations when the libertarian leader agreed with Mauricio Macri.

The confirmation that he had been hospitalized had a strong impact within the ranks of unionism, who were internalized by his state of health.

For several years he has faced a fierce fight with his former brother-in-law, Dante Camaño, head of the Capital Section of the UTHGRA: he put together an opposition list that did not win the December 2021 elections, but that Barrionuevo contested. From there a long chapter of cross-presentations in Justice began that have not yet ended. At the end of June, the national Gastronomic leader promoted a congress that expelled Camaño and two of his related leaders from the Capital Section of UTHGRA.

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