The news rains shortly after 10 am on Thursday 17 December: Italian fishermen kidnapped in Libya they are about to be released after months of imprisonment. A case that has embarrassed the government, for a long time immobile and powerless in the face of Libya. And when the news rains, it turns out that on the plane that left for Libya for liberation, in addition to Luigi Di Maio (Foreign Minister, his presence is obvious and due), he is also found Giuseppe Conte. Yes, the premier. But how? He didn’t have to hold the meeting at Palazzo Chigi to file the new ones rules for Christmas? Wasn’t that the priority? Evidently not. Not surprisingly, the verification with Matteo Renzi and Italia Viva scheduled for 9 in the morning, it was learned before the “Libyan” news, had been postponed to 19. Already, Conte is on the plane. And the suspicion is that the premier, in crisis as never before, does not want to miss this “catwalk”. In short, Count he is also keen to hang his hat on the liberation of Italian fishermen, a story for which, however, the government should only apologize for the crazy “delay”.
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