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Luhut Somasi Haris Azhar on the Allegation of Mining in Papua

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan file a subpoena against a lawyer Haris Azhar | because of allegations of mining business in the Wabu Block, Intan Jaya, Papua.

Spokesman for Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Jodi Mahardi said the subpoena was sent because Haris’ statement defamed Luhut. Jodi emphasized that Luhut did not play in the mining business in the Wabu Block.

“Because the upload on Haris Azhar’s Youtube channel has formed opinions or statements that are not true, tendentious, character assassinationslander, insults/defamation and false news that Pak Luhut is playing games in the mining business in the Wabu Block,” said Jodi via text message to CNNIndonesia.com, Saturday (28/8).

Jodi said Haris had to explain the motive, intent, and purpose of uploading the video. Luhut’s party also asked Haris to apologize for the statement he made.

He said Haris’ apology must be accompanied by a promise not to repeat the same act and must be uploaded through Haris’ Youtube channel.

“Only explanations and apologies are all we ask for. We think it’s more than fair‘ said Jodi.

Previously, lawyer Haris Azhar uploaded the video content “There’s a Lord Luhut Behind Intan Jaya’s Economic Relations-Military Ops!! General BIN Is Also There!!” on his Youtube channel.

He also presented KontraS Coordinator Fatia Maulidyanti in the video.

The Executive Director of the Lokataru Foundation, Haris Azhar, has been summoned by Luhut. (ANTARA PHOTO/Indrianto Eko Suwarso/wsj.)-

In the video, Faria mentions that PT Tobacom Del Mandiri, a subsidiary of the Toba Sejahtera Group, is playing in the mining business in Papua. Luhut is a shareholder in the Toba Sejahtera Group.

“The Toba Sejahtra Group is also owned by one of our officials, his name is Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (LBP), The Lord, Lord Luhut. So Luhut can be said to be playing in the mining activities that are happening in Papua today,” said Faria in the video. uploaded by HARIS AZHAR’s Youtube channel, Friday (20/8).

Meanwhile, Haris Azhar admitted that the subpoena from Luhut had been sent since Thursday (26/8). According to Haris, he will answer Luhut’s summons in the near future.

“Yes, it’s true I was summoned. Sent a few days ago. In the next few days, I, through my attorney, will give an answer to the subpoena,” said Haris to CNNIndonesia.com.

(dhf / DAL)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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