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Luhut Orders 3T Acceleration, Minister of Health Talks About Possible Increase in COVID Cases


Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, requesting a 3T effort (testing, tracing, and treatment) continues to be increased to a minimum of five people who have close contact with COVID-19 sufferers. To support these efforts, Luhut ordered the presence of laboratories for PCR tests not only in provincial capitals, but also in districts/cities.

It was delivered Luhut in the Coordination Meeting (Rakor) for Acceleration of Vaccination with the Minister of Health and epidemiologists from a number of universities in Indonesia, as stated in a written statement, Wednesday (28/7/2021). Luhut don’t want this 3T enhancement to be constrained because of the PCR lab.

“Pak Dante (Wamenkes) try to check first for this PCR lab so that this 3T doesn’t fail just because the PCR lab is not enough,” said Luhut.

Deputy Minister of Health Dante Saksono Harbuwono answered the directions Luhut the. Dante seeks to open PCR labs in regencies/cities in Java-Bali.

“Indeed, there are several things that we need to evaluate regarding the implementation of testing at the puskesmas. Because PCR at the puskesmas also provides many services to those who are confirmed. Meanwhile, we will try to open a PCR lab for districts/cities for the Java-Bali region first,” explained Dante.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin explained that the majority of COVID-19 deaths occurred in patients who had not been vaccinated and were generally still in the ER with low saturation.

“Patients come with low saturation, then die. It has been confirmed that they will arrive late. That’s why, Mr. Coordinating Minister, we will teach to recognize this saturation, so we can avoid death due to being late to the hospital,” said Budi.

Minister of Health Reminds Possibility of Positive Cases to Rise

On that occasion, the Minister of Health reminded Coordinating Minister Luhut that the positive number of COVID-19 is likely to increase after 3T efforts are encouraged. However, Minister of Health Budi stated that this would actually facilitate the process of handling patients from an early stage and reduce the potential for transmission of the virus.

In response to this, Luhut said the government and all related parties must work hard to reduce the death toll. He also directs the meeting participants to see the situation in their respective environments regarding the implementation testing, tracing, and treatment.

In addition, he asked the Ministry of Health to cooperate with the TNI and Polri to pursue a vaccination target of up to 2 million doses per day.

“This two million can be carried out in the first week of August, yes, if there is enough vaccine, I hope it can reach 200 million by December 2021,” said Luhut.

See also Video: COVID-19 Task Force: Residents Ignore 3M, Government Not Maximum 3T

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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