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Ludovic Blas (Nantes): “If I had wanted to leave …”

“You were cited among the players likely to leave the club this summer, what state of mind are you in?
If I had wanted to leave, I would have made it clear. I didn’t force things, if I really wanted to I would have made more noise than that. It’s normal for people to talk during the transfer window, especially with the end of the season that I had achieved, but I didn’t tell myself that I wanted to leave Nantes and today I’m happy to be there.

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Is the team stronger this season?
She hasn’t changed much, and that’s a plus. We have automatisms and we lived a very complicated season, it created something between us. Is she stronger? We will see, but with what we have lived we have gained experience. And the group lives well, it lives better, much better. You could tell last year that the group was living well but it was not. It was delicate …

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“Last year it was so complicated that it was complicated to live, for some, in the group”

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Because of the results?
We weren’t communicating enough. When we have a series of defeats, there is not too much atmosphere in a locker room. It’s easier to talk about it now, because we’re not in the same situation at all. Last year it was so complicated that it was difficult to live, for some, in the group. There, we talk to get the best out of everyone, it’s completely different.

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Leaders have emerged?
We have already found a captain (Alban Lafont), a captain who gives voice. We know who we can count on. Even without talking, you know people, you know you can count on them. Last year, this group was really in trouble, but no one said: “It’s okay, we are in Ligue 2”.

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And in a personal capacity?
I discovered a bit of a new side of my personality. Having experienced a descent in L2 with Guingamp, I felt obliged to do something for this team, for this club. To help those who doubted, because it was a lot of pressure. I gave myself a role of leader, of friend, to speak with everyone. I simply helped. “

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