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Ludmil Georgiev: Ahmed Emin’s terrible warning, may his kingdom be in heaven

/Pogled.info/ (Open letter to Bulgarian citizens and former DPS-arys – Bulgarians,
Turks, Gypsies, Jews, Armenians)

Today, October 17, marks the 16th anniversary of the suicide of Ahmed Emin, may his memory be blessed – a death that has been the subject of much political and journalistic speculation throughout this time. and to this day. From, for example, that Ahmed Dogan was almost ordered to be killed, to the other extreme, that Ahmed Emin wanted to kill Dogan himself first – a version that the sycophants around Dogan had been feeding him, and only recently betrayed inconclusively.

Ludmil Georgiev: Ahmed Emin’s terrible warning, may his kingdom be in heaven

I remember as if it were yesterday that Ahmed Dogan asked me and Dr. Boyko Gancevski, may his memory rest on him, the other psychologist from the team
of Qasim Dal, to carry out separate psychological studies of the event that happened, strangely or not, with this date, October 17 – Qasim Dal’s birthday. Independently of each other, we both came to common conclusions, as it turned out later, namely, that it was a case of ritual suicide as a symbol, a sign and a warning about what could happen to the DPS and Motherland Bulgaria, if the politics in the party and in the country continue in the same way
method. And the date chosen – the birthday of Kasim Dal – as a sign to President Dogan then, who can be a successor, so that all this does not happen, that is, the cataclysms in the future in the DPS, among the Turks and the Pomaks in Bulgaria, and in the Motherland in general. Of course, for obvious reasons, these analyzes of ours did not see the light of day, after which I left disappointed, including because of the label “male secretary” attached to Ahmed Emin, and after Dismissal of Kasim Dal and the split. team, Dr. Boyko Ganchevski also left. After these introductory words, I can also share the main reason I decided to share the truth today, although I have told it in many interviews over the years. This seems urgent to me, especially in the current pre-election situation, as there are some caveats at
Ahmed Emin, King of Heaven, began to happen, although later
so many years.

First of all, I want to say that Ahmed Emin was a good man, a caring father, a loving man and a loyal friend. He had a unique sense of humor, and every time we saw him, we would compete to be the first to tell the last joke. He loved his country, Bulgaria, his party and his community, and he did not differentiate between honorable Bulgarians and Turks, but he hated careerists and playmakers, whether Bulgarians, Turks or Pomacs it was. He had an amazing talent for traitors – Bulgarians, Turks and Pomaks, who could give up everything for a few coins, just to keep their positions and privileges. And very clear to them
spoke – Yordan Tsonev, for example, Dancho Mentata, as we called him,
who recently said he was the “Bulgarian” in the DPS – well, I haven’t been in the DPS long, but to this day the former DPS members call me “our professor”; Hristo Biserov, about whom I need not say anything; Iskra Mihailova, who has everything for Ahmed Dogan, but did not bother to betray him; Nejmi Ali, etc., etc. Paradoxically, but in fact, even then he told me his concerns about the Bulgarian Magnitsky, and today it is clearer that he had reasons!…

After that, it is very important to say that Ahmed Emin wrote all this diligently and clearly in his notebook, which mysteriously disappeared during the so-called film. “study”. The impressive thing in this case is that he described all these concerns in the form of conversations with Ahmed Dogan, although this never happened “live”, that is, he did not tell him the things that exactly. He expected that sooner or later the DPS would start because of those clients who had nothing to do with the idea of ​​brotherly cooperation and work between all ethnic communities in the country – when when I say clients, I mean Bulgarians, and Turks, and Pomacs, and Jews, and Armenians. He expected that this breach would lead to dangerous confrontations, including physical fights (a few days ago this happened in the village of Kardzhali, and I fear that by the end of the campaign that even more terrible things could happen). He realized that all this could have an irreparable effect on Bulgaria, which he loved as his motherland, no matter how strange this might be to some false patriots. And all this, I repeat, was duly described in the notebook, in his kind of diary – notes from which even now my skin is tingling, remembering on them!…

And finally, regarding the choice of Ahmed Emin to warn Ahmed Dogan above all, but also the leadership of the DPS, the Motherland as a whole, just in this way – committing suicide, as psychologist I can say that I differ from the traditional views established in Western university psychology and psychiatry regarding suicide in general. I have shared it in my book The Critical Psychology of Existential Experiences (St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2020), and it boils down to a simple request, especially for psychologists and psychiatrists, not to considering suicide only as a manifestation of psychopathology, but trying to connect with compassion and understanding to such an individual choice to solve the basic life – death dichotomy. This is how I felt 16 years ago about the decision of Ahmed Emin – with understanding, sympathy and compassion, all the more because in his mind it seems that he had ritual suicide seen as a much-needed starting point for rethinking the way politics is done – in DPS and in Motherland Bulgaria!…

In conclusion, I want to turn to Ahmed Emin with the words: “Rest in peace, my friend! Surely there are people in beloved Bulgaria and in the DPS who remember you well! A ‘ performance of the friendly “Oath” (to Kiril Marichkov’s song, Glory be to him), this offering of my hand is only an attempt to remind all of them that you lived and died with dignity! “…

And last but not least, I do not want you to consider this as an election message, although I addressed this open letter to the citizens of Bulgaria – do not let the Bulgarian Magnitsky and the group around him in the so-called name. “DPS – a new beginning” to finally conquer our motherland, because this could also be the beginning of its end! …

PP And to Kasim Dahl – Happy birthday, my friend!

2024-10-16 16:54:00

#Ludmil #Georgiev #Ahmed #Emins #terrible #warning #kingdom #heaven

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