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Lucrative Bonus Spread Law for Municipalities Hosting Asylum Seekers

Bonus spread law
The dispersal law can be lucrative for municipalities with suitable and available locations for the reception of asylum seekers. It is most attractive to offer those locations within the next three months. The municipality then receives 2,500 to 5,000 euros per bed, on top of the usual amount for shelter.

The amount of that bonus depends on the number of beds and how long those places are available. Short-term shelter yields 2,500 euros per bed, sustainable beds (at least 100 per municipality for at least 5 years) provide a municipality with a bonus of 5,000 euros.

Municipalities that take over beds from other municipalities during the provincial consultation receive a bonus of 1,500 euros (short-term shelter) to 4,000 euros (long-term shelter) per shelter.

2024-01-26 15:04:50

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