Home » today » Entertainment » Lucky – View Info – 2024-09-24 17:20:20

Lucky – View Info – 2024-09-24 17:20:20

Come on, show yourself
little luck…
The pie Someone
already spinning it…
There is a chance.. And believe
believe till the end…
Plenty more time
you will get

You see there isn’t
no meaning
how long has it been
somewhere back.
The less
you already have
the more expensive
you become this world.

Here it is in front of you –
any… different…
sad… hungry… poor…
joyful… happy…
Proumey! The only one!
Love it so much!
As long as it has…
As long as you live…

How will it be afterwards?
Don’t count too much…
It depends on the Other…
Or there is no Other…
So hurry up!
You have, you have more…
Give it all away
while you’re here!

Come on, show yourself
crazy luck…
I want you… So
you will stop at my place…
Here it is in the morning
and it starts with you
my new… and long…
and only day.

December 29, 2017
6 o’clock 15 m. in the morning

#Lucky #View #Info

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