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Lucia Goracci, the Rai correspondent kidnapped and attacked in Bucharest by a no vax senator: freed after nine hours thanks to the embassy

Kidnapped in Romania by a no-vax senator, physically attacked and released after nine hours only thanks to diplomacy. It is the incredible story that happened to Lucia Goracci, a note sent by Rai, and to his crew during a trip to Bucharest. Goracci was interviewing in his law firm Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă, far-right parliamentarian famous for his positions deniers compared to Covid, when politics begins to show an attitude aggressive, inviting reporters to leave. “Then, the incredible – says Goracci in a report for Tg1 – with a leap, the senator of the Republic Diana Șoșoacă appears in front of us and locks us in. Then, recovering us, he calls the police ”. “Good evening, I am Senator Șoșoacă, I am asking for your help because people have entered my office and they are threatening me“He says on the phone.

Lucia Goracci manages to slip out of the door and asks for help – herself – from the police: “I tell what happened, I go back with the agents to my colleagues who have been locked in for some time now, but we seem to have become the criminals. So did her husband punches me“. In the video you can see shoving and screaming: “You are not protecting us, we are journalists! ”, Goracci shouts to the police. “Search them, they must also have stolen. AND delete all the images“, Replies the senator. “To the police station – the correspondent concludes – we are searched, guilty only of having gone to see part of the story up close. Free eight hours later, when it is now midnight, due to the intervention of the Italian embassy “.

“Romania apologizes for the serious attack on the Rai correspondent Lucia Goracci and her collaborators. If Bucharest is still Europe, such facts must not happen “. Thus the executive of theUsigrai, the RAI journalists union, after the report by the Tg1 correspondent Lucia Goracci who was on duty on the no vaxes of Romania, broadcast in the evening edition, showed that she was attacked and forced to remain in the police station for many hours . “A journalist kidnapped in the office of a no vax senator during an interview – continues Usigrai -, punched in front of the police who should have protected her and then searched and held for hours in the police station. We expect the Italian government and the European Union to ask the Romanian government for explanations on what has happened ”.

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