Velostation would no longer necessarily come before the people: the city council wants to expand the powers of parliament and government
The Lucerne City Council wants to change the financial rules: it wants to increase its spending limit – and tax cuts are to be “automated”.
The Great City Council of Lucerne at a meeting.
750,000 francs: This is the maximum amount a loan can be if the Lucerne City Council wants to decide on its own. Larger amounts must be approved by Parliament or even by the people. Now these “free allowances” are to be increased significantly. This provides for the partial revision of the municipal code presented by the city council on Friday. In the future, loans of up to CHF 2 million should be within the competence of the city council. Anything above that would have to be presented to the city parliament – and if the referendum is called, also to the people. In the case of loans of more than 20 million (previously 15 million), the people would have the last word in any case.
2023-05-26 11:00:13
#Velostation #longer #necessarily #people #city #council #expand #competencies