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Luca comes to Gevelsberg: ProCity helps companies and citizens to set up the app

The circle recently announced, together with the EN agency, that a test phase of the Luca app will start shortly until August 31, 2021. “The first major hurdle has been cleared – our initiative to introduce the Luca app in the district was successful,” said ProCity chairman Andreas Niehues. All shops, companies, service providers, practices, clubs and institutions should set up and use the Luca app as quickly as possible.

For some, setting up your own device is easy and takes just a few minutes; for others, it may be a new technical challenge. This is where ProCity Gevelsberg comes in and invites everyone to the vacant temporary Luca office at Mittelstrasse 61 so that ProCity can help set up the Luca app.

In addition, the generated QR code is stuck to a ProCity poster and laminated so that it is recognizable for the citizens and the poster has the longest possible shelf life. “Luca will probably be with us for a long time and everyone should recognize at first glance when they see the poster that they have to scan the code here with their Luca app”, says city manager Lena Becker. Accordingly, anyone who has already set up Luca on their own is welcome to pick up a poster from ProCity and stick their individual QR code on. ProCity also has information leaflets that companies can give to their customers.

Introduce companies and citizens to Luca

Becker adds: “In the first step we want to familiarize the company with Luca and in the second step the citizens”. ProCity has already ordered 2,500 Luca key rings for people without a smartphone and is waiting for delivery every day. The key fobs are not only issued, but also registered online for the person so that they don’t have to set anything up themselves.

In the temporary Luca office, citizens are also helped with the installation and setup of the app if difficulties arise. In addition, an explanatory video is shown on a screen in the shop window.

It starts tomorrow, Monday, April 26th, for companies so that they are already optimally equipped when the district has received the license and has set up the software. “Our goal is that Gevelsberg is ready to go as soon as the health department has completed the facility,” says Lena Becker. The companies are asked to book an appointment online at www.city gevelsberg.de so that there are no long waiting times or even queues in front of the shop.

If an online booking is not possible, we kindly ask you to make an appointment in advance by telephone. 15-20 minutes are planned for each appointment. If there are still appointments available or the planned buffer is large enough after each appointment, companies can also be added spontaneously. For citizens, it starts a few days later.

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