Home » today » World » Lublin Court Finds 14 Citizens Guilty of Espionage for Moscow Spy Group

Lublin Court Finds 14 Citizens Guilty of Espionage for Moscow Spy Group

The Lublin court on Tuesday, December 19, found 14 citizens of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine guilty of preparing sabotage in favor of Moscow as part of a spy group.

Source:European truth” with reference to AFP

Details: Sixteen defendants were charged in November with espionage, in particular for preparing to blow up trains carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine, as well as spying on military installations and critical infrastructure.

Fourteen of them admitted guilt, but did not appear at the trial, so their sentence was announced in absentia. Two other alleged members of the spy ring will be tried separately after they withdrew their previous guilty pleas.

“Having considered the case… the court found all the defendants guilty of the crimes they were charged with, and also found that some of them acted as part of an organized criminal group,” said judge Yaroslav Kowalski, announcing the verdict.

Lublin court spokeswoman Barbara Markowska told AFP that members of the spy group were “Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians,” without providing further details.

It is known that among those convicted – Russian hockey player of the Polish club from Sosnowiec Maxim S., arrested in June, as well as, according to Polish media, “two Ukrainian lawyers and a political scientist, a French teacher, a pharmacist, and a software engineer.”

According to the investigation, members of the group received tasks from Russian curators via Telegram and received payment for them in cryptocurrency – from 300 to about 10 thousand dollars.

2023-12-19 15:34:52
#members #Russian #spy #network #convicted #Poland #including

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