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Lubin: The man died after police intervention. Riots before the headquarters

  • On Sunday, about 200 people gathered in front of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Lubin to protest against the brutal – in their opinion – behavior of the police during the intervention against the 34-year-old
  • Some of the protesters brought candles which they lit before the police station. At the address of the officers, they shouted, inter alia, “Murderers”
  • The protesters also threw eggs and, after some time, stones at the facade of the headquarters building. At one point, a crowd of around 30 people started storming the entrance to the building
  • More such stories can be found on the main page of Onet.pl

On Sunday, about 200 people gathered in front of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Lubin to protest against the behavior of the police during the intervention. Some of the protesters brought candles, which were lit in front of the police station. At the address of the officers, they shouted, inter alia, “Always and everywhere the police … will be”, “Murderers”.

Some of the protesters brought candles, which were lit in front of the police station, but with each passing moment the atmosphere in front of the police building is becoming more and more tense. The protesters also threw eggs and, after some time, stones at the facade of the headquarters building.

At one point, a crowd of around 30 people started storming the entrance to the building. Police officers used tear gas on them. In response, the demonstrators started throwing bottles at the policemen and the building. The windows were broken.

The policemen, equipped with shields and smoothbore weapons, who had previously stood behind the gate, came out in front of it and formed a formation. Stones, bottles and also paving stones were thrown at them again. Flares fired. Demonstrators also set fire to a garbage can, which they then tried to push towards the headquarters building.

The policemen fired smoothbore weapons

During the riots, the policemen fired several warning shots with smoothbore weapons. They also repeatedly called through a megaphone to separate. A police water-sprayer rushed to the streets. After some time, the demonstrators began to disperse. Smoothbore weapons were used in relation to people who ran out of the crowd towards the policemen.

– The five most aggressive people have been detained in connection with the crimes they have committed. We dealt with situations such as setting fire to baskets, police property, or an attempt to set fire to the front door to the headquarters, so the aggression of this crowd is really very high – he said after 20 subcomm. Wojciech Jabłoński from the press office of the Lower Silesian police. Approx. time. 21, the number of detainees rose to 30.

Jabłoński added that not only stones and bricks were thrown at the policemen, but also Molotov cocktails. Several officers were injured. – We also had to deal with a situation in which the firefighters called to the scene were thrown with stones and were unable to carry out activities related to extinguishing the fire. Similarly, the ambulance, which appeared on the spot to help the injured, was unfortunately not let in by the demonstrators – said the policeman.

As he said, the situation on the spot remains dynamic. – The demonstrators formed groups that move to different places and attack the officers. There is also an anti-conflict team in place that tries to talk to the crowd and calm emotions. However, aggressive behavior is constantly occurring, which is fueled by groups of hooligans – said the subcommittee. Jabłoński. Police officers from Lubin were also supported by officers from the prevention department in Wrocław, as well as policemen from Głogów and Polkowice.

The man died after police intervention. The deputy demands an explanation

The tragic death of the man took place on Thursday morning after the intervention of the police in Lubin at ul. Traugutt. Officers were called to an aggressive and agitated man. A drastic video of the intervention hit the webwhere you can see how three officers overpower and press a young resident of Lubin to the ground. The man died in the ambulance taking him to the hospital.

An intervention in this matter was announced by Piotr Borys, a member of the Civic Coalition. The case is also dealt with by the prosecutor’s office, which has launched its own investigation. The control unit of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Wrocław was also informed about the case.

On Saturday, the police from Lower Silesia responded to the Friday incident, informing that the officers from Lubin at approx. At 6 am they went for an intervention involving an aggressive man who was supposed to throw stones at the windows of buildings. The man’s mother called the emergency number, informing the police that her son was abusing drugs.

“In the indicated place, the policemen found an aggressive man, whom they tried to calm down and identify. The man, however, did not respond to orders, was very aggressive and extremely agitated. Due to the man’s irrational behavior, incapacitating holds and handcuffs were used against him. The man still did not comply. Given the aggressive behavior and the reasonable suspicion that he might be under the influence of drugs, additional officers were called to the site to prevent the situation from escalating, and an ambulance service with rescuers, “we read in the statement.

In a statement on the website of the police headquarters, we read that “about two hours after he was transported to the hospital, the KPP officer on duty in Lubin was informed that the man had died”. The latter information is, however, undermined by MP Piotr Borys, who informs on his Twitter account that, according to the management of the hospital, the man still died in the ambulance.

sources: Gazeta Wyborcza / PAP / Twitter

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