Nutrition and movement for the body and soul.
What to eat, how to exercise, how to reduce stress?
We still cannot find the answer, despite so much information available. Knowing what is healthy is not the same as putting it into practice in a simple and sustainable way, taking into account today’s fast pace of life.
Luana Living by Luana Hervier helps everyone find their answer. Without preconceived recipes, the author proposes a comprehensive look to seek the well-being of the body and the soul as what it is: one.
This book will remind you what to fill your tank with (nutrition), how to move the machine (movement), how to stop it (yoga, breathing, and meditation), and how to detox according to your own nature, so that you can look and feel radiant.
LuanaLiving is for sale in all bookstores in Argentina.
For other countries write to [email protected]