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Lu Yongxiong – Supporting an “Adou” President|Bus Reviews

At the end of the China-U.S. Presidential Summit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi summarized to reporters on the return flight, saying that the meeting in San Francisco has enhanced trust and dispelled doubts in Sino-U.S. relations, managed differences, and expanded cooperation. San Francisco should become a new starting point, and both parties should start from San Francisco.

This can be regarded as a very positive evaluation of the meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States. On one side, China sings and prays well, on the other side, the United States talks nonsense. U.S. President Biden bid farewell to President Xi Jinping at Fillory Manor, praised “The Red Flag Special Car is so beautiful,” and then attended the press conference. When a reporter asked at the meeting whether Biden would still call Xi Jinping a dictator, Biden responded: “It should be said that, he is. In a sense, he is a dictator because he is running a communist country A man whose form of government is completely different from ours.”

Secretary of State Blinken, who was sitting in the front row, showed a “fainted” expression when he heard Biden say this. He turned his head to the other side and frowned, as if to say, “President, you made a gaffe again.” . The U.S. Secretary of State tried every means to arrange this Sino-U.S. presidential summit so that Biden could take a good look at it, seem to have achieved some diplomatic achievements, and even strive for more economic cooperation between China and the United States, so that Biden’s election campaign next year would go more smoothly. But Biden is like a disobedient child who often messes up.

If you look at the American media, you will find it very interesting. I believe they were influenced by the news from US officials, saying that the reason for President Xi’s visit to the United States was mainly because China’s economy is very poor, while the US economy is very good, so President Xi hopes to boost the outside world’s confidence in China’s economy through “Xi’s visit”. If you have closely followed the entire arrangement process of “Xi’s visit” in the past few months, you will know that the United States has always been hot and China has been cold. The United States kept blowing the whistle, but China did not confirm that the “Xi visit” could be held until the last stage. It goes without saying who is more enthusiastic about hosting the summit.

However, President Biden has fallen into a state where everyone wants to help him. As early as last year, the comments of elites on both sides of the United States in the media have made it clear that the Biden administration is lackluster, but the American elites can only support Biden because he is “Hobsons’ choice.” choice), that is, the only choice. If you don’t support him, Trump will return to North Korea. Perhaps this is also a rare consensus between Chinese and American elites. The president of the United States is not the worst, only worse.

Zhang Guoqing, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, recently commented on the U.S. election situation. Public opinion polls assessing the U.S. national popular vote show that Biden and Trump are evenly matched. However, according to the electoral college voting system of the U.S. presidential election, the election usually depends on a few minorities. In swing states, according to the latest polls, Trump leads in 5 of the 6 swing states, and his lead continues to expand.

Zhang Guoqing believes that “Biden is too old” is no longer his main weakness. The U.S. economic revitalization is ineffective, and drug issues, gun violence, ethnic divisions, immigration issues, etc. have caused great differences. In this context, the Biden administration must reconcile with China, at least economically. If the Biden administration can really improve the economy next year, the general election can still be a fight.

I think this evaluation is very pertinent. Since Biden’s election is in jeopardy, he is like a “Adou” president. Everyone wants to help him, but it is hard to say whether they can help him.

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Lu Yongxiong

#Yongxiong #Supporting #Adou #PresidentBus #Reviews
2023-11-20 16:00:00

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