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LTV: Rigans mostly do not support the place chosen for the new concert hall

The biggest part of Rigans do not support the decision to demolish the former building of the Central Committee of the Latvian Communist Party on Elizabetes Street in order to build an acoustic concert hall in its place, on Thursday, referring to the Latvian Television The sociological survey commissioned by the news service and the public media portal “lsm.lv” was reported by the program “Panorama”.

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Only 18% of the surveyed Rigans have expressed support or partial support for the construction of a concert hall on the site of the Central Committee building. Almost half of the respondents indicated that they do not fully support this idea, another 15% are rather against.

The largest share of negative moods is observed among those Rigans who plan to vote for the Latvian Russian Union and “Saskaņu” in the upcoming Riga City Council elections.

But the least dissatisfied with the construction of the concert hall on Elizabetes Street are in the ranks of “Vienotības” supporters, where the number of “for” and “against” votes is similarly distributed. The majority of the supporters of the national association represented by the idea promoter, Minister of Culture Nauris Puntuulis (VL-TB / LNNK) and the Association of Latvian Regions are also against the construction of a concert hall on the site of the Central Committee building.

“It is an absolute minority, an absolute minority of Rigans who support such a decision,” Arnis Kaktins, the head of the research center SKDS, revealed in the show.

The SKDS survey was conducted from July 2 to July 6. 810 respondents took part in it – adult Latvian citizens living in Riga. The program explains that the sample of respondents reflects the demographic characteristics of the population of Riga by gender, age and language in the family.

It has already been reported that the government has approved the development of the national concert hall project at 2 Elizabetes Street, where the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, and later the World Trade Center, was once located.

A group of about 20 architects has applied to the National Cultural Heritage Board, calling for the status of a cultural monument to be granted to the building in Riga, Elizabetes Street 2.

In its turn, the National Council of Architecture has encouraged the establishment of the Ministry of Culture National concert halls a project working group with professionals in the fields involved, whose task, with the involvement of the public, would be to create a high-quality architectural process and develop a roadmap for the implementation of the project.

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