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LTV pre-election debate for young people on the platform “16+” is welcomed in Europe / Article

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has welcomed the extraordinary election debate of the Riga City Council organized by Latvian Television (LTV) on the platform “16+”, proposing the broadcast for the original format, which will take place at the EBU Creativity Forum in September, LTV informed.

Last year, before the extraordinary elections of the Riga City Council, the team of the LTV News Service on the platform “16+” created an unprecedented debate for young people in Latvia, involving them in the creation of content themselves. The discussion with politicians was moderated by Jānis Geste together with influencers Roja Rogers and Kristiāns Grāmatiņš.

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Photo: LTV / Sanita Sparāne

The pre-election discussion created by LTV is highlighted in the news genre together with content projects from Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium and France. The three best original projects will be awarded – the winners will be determined by a vote of media experts at the EBU Creativity Forum, which will take place remotely on 29 and 30 September this year.

“In the news service, we are always looking for ways to reach the widest possible audience, including young people. In the dynamic form of the debate, we gave young people the opportunity to discuss with politicians the topics that are important to them, encouraged them to get involved in the political process and go to the polls. It is gratifying that this format gained recognition not only from young people, but also from industry professionals, ”Iveta Elksne, Director of LTV News Service, told the media.

This is the second time in the last two years that the content created by the News Service has received a high rating. The breakout game “Latvia” created by “Forbidden Technique” two years ago was recognized as the best project in the EBU Creativity Forum. “These acknowledgments confirm that the content of Latvian Television is competitive and internationally appreciated,” Elksne pointed out.

In total, the EBU member organizations have 185 unique content channels for Generation Z. In Latvia, such are the LTV experimental content platform “16+”, which operates on “YouTube”, and Latvian Radio Pieci.lv.

Generation Z is defined by the EBU as “young adults” between the ages of 15 and 25. This is an audience that traditional media channels – linear television and linear radio – find very difficult to reach because of their different media consumption patterns.

Riga City Council extraordinary election debate for young people:

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