Home » today » Business » LTO Gelderse Vallei board threatens to resign if national branch ‘does not stick to hard requirements’ Nitrogen crisis

LTO Gelderse Vallei board threatens to resign if national branch ‘does not stick to hard requirements’ Nitrogen crisis

The board of the Gelderse Vallei department of farmers’ organization LTO Nederland threatens to resign if national chairman Sjaak van der Tak does not fully adhere to five hard requirements in the nitrogen conversation with the cabinet next week.

With 800 members, the department is one of the largest in the Netherlands. It covers the municipalities of Ede, Wageningen, Rhenen, Renswoude, Utrechtse Heuvelrug and Veenendaal, among others. In the Valley region, many farmers fear that they will have to close their business or reduce their livestock in order to limit nitrogen emissions and protect vulnerable nature.

At first, LTO Nederland did not want to accept the invitation of mediator Johan Remkes to discuss the plans. Later, chairman Van der Tak agreed to consultationafter Prime Minister Rutte personally assured him that there are no taboos.

The board of LTO Gelderse Vallei says in a statement that it has learned ‘with surprise’ of the turnaround. ‘After a night’s sleep’, the board mentions five points to which Van der Tak should not give in.

Second mediator

LTO Gelderse Vallei wants a second mediator to be appointed in addition to Remkes, who comes from the agricultural sector. Furthermore, the so-called ‘critical deposition values’, the standards that now determine the harmfulness of nitrogen precipitation, must be removed.


Then we will stop as board, because then it will no longer have any added value for us

LTO Gelderland Valley

The goal of halving ammonia emissions by 2030 must also be scrapped, the LTO department demands. Moreover, she does not want the expropriation of farms. So-called PAS reporters, farmers who, according to a previous regulation, could suffice with a notification of the calculated nitrogen load on vulnerable nature, should be legalized.

If these requirements are not adhered to, according to the statement, ‘we as a board will stop, because then it will no longer have any added value for us.’

Response LTO Netherlands

According to Sjaak van der Tak of LTO Nederland, the ‘Gelderse’ and national requirements do match. ‘The points of the LTO Gelderse Vallei belong to the three requirements of LTO Nederland: The timeline, the goals and substantive measures such as PAS detectors, KDW and broad technological innovation.’

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