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LPSK letters to the judge calling for the separation of the Eliezer and Ricky-Kuat trials


Prosecution for premeditated murder against Brigadier Joshua Hutabarat with the accused Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu will be joined with the other defendants, namely Brigadier Ricky Rizal and Strong Ma’ruf. The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) sent a letter to the jury to consider the merger.

LPSK Vice President Susilaningtias said it was not without reason that the LPSK sent a letter to the jury. This is because, Susi said, in this case, the position of Eliezer how collaborator of justice.

“We sent a letter to the jury to consider that we are not merged considering Richard Eliezer’s position as collaborator of justice“Susi told reporters on Sunday (11/06/2022).

Susi hopes the jury won’t join and will meet Eliezer directly with Strong and Ricky Rizal. However, if they are merged, LPSK is ready to protect Eliezer, both physically and mentally.

“The point is, we hope not to be melted, but it is really the jury that determines and guides the process. Even if this is melted, LPSK is always ready to protect Richard, both physically and mentally,” said Susi.

The LPSK, Susi said, has trained staff to oversee the case Eliezer Tomorrow. Susi, however, did not specify the number of staff because it was confidential.

“We can’t tell how many people there are because it’s a secret, but we have trained staff with enough capacity and numbers to protect Richard,” he said.

Eliezer ready to meet Strong Ma’ruf and Ricky Rizal tomorrow

The trial for the premeditated murder of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat will bring Bharada Richard Eliezer face to face with Bripka Ricky Rizal and Strong Ma’ruf. Bharada Eliezer’s attorney, Ronny Talapessy, said his client was ready to meet Ricky and Strong Ma’ruf.

“My client said he is ready to meet RR (Ricky Rizal) and Strong Ma’ruf (KM),” Ronny told reporters on Sunday (6/11).

Ronny said his party respected the judges’ decision to combine Eliezer’s trial with Strong and Ricky. Bharada Eliezer, Ronny said, will cooperate with the trial.

“We are ready in principle and adhere to the jury policy that combines the trial with KM and RR. Every trial since the beginning of Bharada E is cooperative and our legal counseling team respects the attitude of Bharada E,” he said .

Previously, the jury had said that the trial of Bharada Eliezer, Strong Ma’ruf and Ricky Rizal would be joined on Monday. The follow-up trial for Joshua’s killing is still on the agenda to hear witness testimony.

“Brothers, legal counsel and prosecutors (JPU) at the trial of Strong Ma’ruf and Ricky Rizal, we will join the trial of Eliezer, so next week we will have two trials, Monday and Wednesday, Monday with Eliezer,” the president said. Wahyu Iman Santosa during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court on Wednesday (2/11).

(whn / imk)

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