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Lozoya case: If Peña goes to prison, AMLO would be President for life

Let us hope that Lozoya’s incriminating statements have an extraordinary ending that will lead to the imprisonment of the first President in the history of Mexico. Photo: Gustavo Martínez Contreras, AP.

The first two chapters on the Odebrecht corruption scheme and the fraudulent purchase of the Agronitrogenados plant have been completed for now. The star actor –Emilio Lozoya, an agreed witness of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) – pleaded not guilty with broad cynicism and accepted the so-called criterion of opportunity, by means of which he became the snitch who will untangle the whole tangle of robberies that in the energy field was woven in the six-year term of Enrique Peña Nieto.

Everything remains to be seen because, until now, the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has celebrated the extradition of Lozoya and his status as a collaborating witness without declaring a single line about former President Enrique Peña Nieto, Luis Videgaray and others. which, according to the FGR, participated in the looting and bankruptcy of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), as well as in the bribery feast held by the Brazilian company Odebrecht throughout the continent.

The FGR has information that said company paid $ 10 million for the Peña Nieto campaign, in turn made deposits in the Lozoya accounts in Switzerland for $ 6 million, all in exchange for obtaining juicy contracts as soon as possible. Peña Nieto will arrive at the Presidency, as happened in December 2012.

Here it is possible to ask: Why so much show with the Lozoya case? Where is this scandalous case pointing? Is the objective really to imprison former President Peña Nieto and Luis Videgaray? Or is it a media and political campaign to lift a thick haze in order to distract people from the impacts of the coronavirus, the economic debacle and the no less resounding violence of organized crime?

In all these matters, the Government of the Fourth Transformation has been a true failure. López Obrador, obviously, cannot cope with the country and the government ship seems to be shipwrecked: there are the terrible data on the economy and zero growth, let alone those who suffer from the dismissal caused by the closure of the companies, which are It multiplies everywhere – the official rescue plan seems to have been only on paper, not yet reflected – the drama of those infected by the pandemic, as well as unavoidable pain for the more than 45,000 deaths that have already placed Mexico in the third place in the world, after the United States and England.

These national problems, if exacerbated, can deepen the social drama, worsen it and impact the level of acceptance of the President, who uses all resources, distracting, legislative, legal, among others, to cushion the political impact of its inefficiency as President.

The issue of insecurity has continued to reinforce it, although without reflecting it effectively, by integrating the Armed Forces in public security tasks. Shortly after his return from the United States, he turned over customs and port security to the Navy and Army. The President has said that his government has ended corruption, which is a thing of the past, but on the other hand, he urgently calls on the military to attack corruption at the 49 customs and ports because, he said, it is needed. This indicates that Ricardo Ahued, Senator from Veracruz, could not handle the customs package and preferred to step aside.

Indeed, it is necessary to strengthen security in ports and customs, but what is surprising is the enormous power that it has given to the Armed Forces. He called them to support the National Guard against organized crime, he awarded them the contract for the construction of Saint Lucia, the security of the entire country. Today Mexico is militarized. Whats Next? That he hand over the presidential power. Yes, that is missing.

The call of seafarers and the military to customs and ports also responds to the urgency of the United States so that its companies are safe, especially in ports, where many of them operate. The United States has under its control the security of North America and this is decided from Washington. From there, the entire territory is monitored and that is why militarization in Mexico responds. López Obrador received the order and obediently complied with it. There is a side of López Obrador that is not publicly known: his secret agreements with Washington. We will talk about that.

López Obrador is concerned with holding power, winning again the majority in Congress, governors, mayors and other positions in July 2021 and this seems to be the main objective with the political use of the witness Emilio Lozoya. Legal or illegal, the FGR negotiated with the former Pemex director to speak. This is obviously not free. It has a cost: Lozoya’s freedom in exchange for him saying everything he knows and incriminating former President Enrique Peña and Luis Videgaray. But the President wants people to know details, point by point, about how, when and where it was planned, how the Pemex heist was planned. Beyond justice, he wants to unleash the morbid. He wants to feed the people that he says he respects.

There are many doubts that López Obrador will proceed against Peña Nieto. If so, it would be clear that he is the one who gives the orders to the FGR, even if it is autonomous; it is so obvious that the agency in charge of Alejandro Gertz Manero receives orders from the National Palace that, at no time, López Obrador separates the function of the FGR when the Lozoya case and others are addressed. The unconscious betrays him. And this occurs when there are no underlying truths.

The work of an autonomous Prosecutor’s Office is not celebrated in the presidential pulpit; the topics that are investigated to do politics are not touched, as López Obrador does. Personally, I have never heard Donald Trump talk about the achievements of the FBI, DEA or the Department of Justice or the Treasury. Those instances act, period. His blows are not a matter of political discussion, as in Mexico, where the President’s attitude alone shows what we all suppose: that the FGR is not autonomous, as the Government has proclaimed.

The agreed witness Emilio Lozoya will continue two or three days in the Hospital Angeles, according to his lawyer. Then, he will surely go to live in a safe house enabled by the FGR, surrounded by surveillance, because he will not step on the jail. His starring role as a witness will last six months, from now until January 2021, more than enough time to give him sayings enough flight. And it remains to be seen what it will say. There are witnesses whose language should be the object of a monument to lies: in order to save their skin, they are able to incriminate even their mother.

Let us hope that Lozoya’s incriminating statements have an extraordinary ending that will lead to the imprisonment of the first President in the history of Mexico. Should this occur, López Obrador would govern this country for life, as would Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, who is preparing to govern until 2030.

But everything remains to be seen, as I have already explained. After a year and a half of government, López Obrador has shown more merriment than realities on the subject of corruption. An example: His government began with a spectacular blow to the mafias dedicated to the theft of fuel. The country faced a historical shortage of gasoline, which showed that the distribution was fueled by pure stolen fuel. He denounced that there was a large mafia operating from the Pemex tower, but so far he has not jailed anyone. The big gangsters in this business remain free and unpunished.

Other: Carlos Romero Deschamps, accused of being a corrupt man, head of a network of huachicoleros and one of the main caciques of the oil union, left power without a single peso being touched. Not only is his fortune still untouched, but even worse, there are no longer even investigations against him. Was there a pact?

Now Congress has reformed the Procurement Law so that the federal government can buy – directly – medicines and medical devices abroad. The reason for this new provision is that Mexican pharmaceutical companies and laboratories were arranged with high officials of the past administration, which made supplying medicines a juicy business, with impunity until now. However, no one has been punished for this iconic corruption. Everything has been noise and more noise, in the style of López Obrador.

Given this behavior of the President – he has an ungovernable language but does not apply the law to the corrupt, he only knows how to settle accounts, skilled in the art of revenge, as the Rosario Robles case illustrates – López Obrador governs, generating a lot of noise about the corruption of the past , with which he builds a curtain that prevents seeing his failures and failures in the Government; He is mounted on the high percentage of social acceptance, using his credibility to the limit – without measuring his wear – to commit misdeeds, because his followers still believe him, because they have lost until the trial when they were captured by a fanaticism that borders on something like that as sickly. They all applaud him. This profile of human beings, gripped by fanaticism, was described by the Russian researcher Peter Ouspensky in his book The Fourth Way:

These humans vibrate at the lowest – says Ouspensky – they are not conscious because they sleep soundly, they are machines that were born that way and will die this way. When they speak or act, they almost go back to the origin of the monkey, following confusing signals from the outside even if they lose them. They are so asleep that they applaud everything. They identify with everything, they do not govern their emotions, on the contrary, they are easy prey to the impressions from the outside because they live according to what happens externally and overlook their internal reality.

I hope this is not the case.

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